Hellboy trailer can be seen at IMDB and here. I thought it as okay. It didn't give me that 'OMG, I must see this movie in the theater!" feeling I was hoping for and have gotten from a few other trailers for upcoming movies but I thought it was okay.
Posts made by ZombieGenesis
RE: Good or New Movies Review
RE: WoD Games in the Works
I wouldn't say I'm "working" on anything but I did throw up a game using Thenocode on TinyMUX for my friends and I do to plots on. Takes place in Las Vegas and there are some things going on with the Police Department, we have a few people doing things at a college, and the primary plot is taking place in a small community that is about to experience a great deal of horror. We mostly play mortals but there is a very small amount of Vampire RP going on. We get together for major plots on Sunday and Tuesday nights(Eastern Time) and do general RP whenever in other times.
I wouldn't call us a game, really, or open but if people were looking to sandbox some stuff on a small place(Mortals and Vamps only though) I'd be open to letting other people in.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
Looks like Irredeemable is free for anyone who has a sub to KindleUnlimited. Gonna check it out!
RE: Good or New Movies Review
@runescryer Not to derail the thread, but I'd love some Aberrant. Been tempted to do something Aberrant/Necessary Evil related using Savage Worlds and their Super Powers Companion.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
Brightburn looks like it could be interesting.
RE: Horror MUX - Discussion
Aw man, I don't think I can resist this season. I know my RP times are weird but I'm gonna try to make it happen!
RE: Dead Celebrities 2018
Another wrestling legend gone, The Dynamite Kid.
The Witcher Pen and Paper RPG
Has anyone played it? I've flipped through the book and it's absolutely gorgeous but before I spend money on it I just wanted to know what people thought about it.
RE: RL Anger
@SinCerely I loved the PR movie. I was way better than I ever thought it would be.
RE: 80s Style Masters of the Universe/Thundercats/Visionaries Game...
My TT group uses Fate Accelerated modified a bit by Masters of Umdaar and we can make new characters in 5-10 minutes and be playing immediately after. I think it'd work fantastically for a MUX.
80s Style Masters of the Universe/Thundercats/Visionaries Game...
This isn't so much about a game in development as much as just talking about if such a game could even exist today. The new She-Ra cartoon is out and, if nothing else, it has brought the MotU line back into the spotlight. Now, this isn't a thread to discuss whether or not anyone thinks the new show is good so, please, let us avoid those types of replies. Instead I'm curious about whether or not a game set in the MotU(or an extended) universe would work today.
I grew up on MotU, Thundercats, Visionaries, Thundarr, and those types of fantasy cartoons and I've always hated that there wasn't a game that emulated those series in some way. We had MOTU-MUX back in the day but it never really got off the ground. I play a bit of TT using Fate Accelerated in a Masters of the Universe setting and it works wonderfully. There's also Cartoon Action Hour but I'm not as big a fan of that, to be honest.
Could a game set solely in one universe world? A Masters of the Universe MUX set in Eternia and Etheria(connected by portals)? The setting is open enough to connect to other worlds as well (Third Earth and Prysmos for example) and I think you could mix these characters pretty easily. Or would it fundamentally amount to a total waste of time and effort?
Anyway, I've always longed for more games based on 80's properties. It seems only Transformers ever really got a fair shake in the MUing world. With She-Ra suddenly in the spotlight, I just wondered if now would be a good time to "strike while the iron is hot".
RE: What RPG SYSTEM do you want to play on a Mu*?
RE: Mutants and Masterminds
I've made this offer before with varying levels of success but I do have a M&M DB ready to go. It has a working character generation, a grid, I'd host the game and the wiki, I just can't run the game myself. I was working with some people on another superhero game but, as is the way, things tend to fall through so if there is interest in an M&M game hit me up and we can see what we can do.
RE: LF Vampire Requiem 2E Bloodline Suggestions...
@Arkandel Mostly because I heard people like bloodlines. The game could function just fine without them. But I know people like them and I think we could get some really neat bloodlines to fit that desert/Las Vegas feel.
RE: LF Vampire Requiem 2E Bloodline Suggestions...
@Lisse24 If we go public it is certainly possible we tighten up what is allowed to mortal and vamp-centric characters. The ideas we have definitely center around those lines.
RE: LF Vampire Requiem 2E Bloodline Suggestions...
@Ganymede Wow! Thanks for the suggestions! I can't wait to read through them. As for magic, I had not thought about it to be honest...
RE: LF Vampire Requiem 2E Bloodline Suggestions...
@Ganymede Thanks!
@Killer-Klown I won't lie, I'm a sucker for old school clans as bloodlines. Ravnos, Giovanni, etc.
RE: LF Vampire Requiem 2E Bloodline Suggestions...
Right now it's shaping up to focus on Vampire and Werewolf because those are the lines that most interest those involved. Most of the focus will likely fall in the Vampire arena. We're looking to explore the whole "you're a monster" aspect of Vampire. The philosophy of the vampire who runs Vegas is that humans come here to explore their darker sides, why should vampires be any different?
Keeping in mind that A) we're a small gathering of people looking to have some fun and B) we're very early on in the design process but these are the guidelines we're looking at right now for how and what we want to RP.
1: We're monsters, we want to explore what that means.
2: Territory, we like the idea of Vegas being a kingdom that can be divided up amongst coteries, individuals, and/or packs. We'd like to explore that in a, and I kind of hate to say this, almost Game of Thrones like way.
3: Tieing into the above there's a Prince(NPC who is almost never seen) and then the city is ruled over by a Primogen(maybe NPCs, I dunno...we'll have to see), there's also the Elysium which we want to sort of go John Wick style with(a big ass hotel set as neutral ground), and then there are the Lords of territories which could be a small as a club or as large as a city block or whatever. That's what we're thinking anyway.
4: The city is dangerous! We're the monsters but there are even bigger horrors out there; the Strix. We may not use them exactly as they are in the books but we like the idea of them being a twisted mirror reflection of Vampires. Vamps hunt and play with humans and the Strix do the same with vamps.
5: Werewolves are kind of caught in the middle. They have an alliance with the vampires but that's mostly because they're outnumbered. It's an uneasy alliance but one that, for the time being, is mutually beneficial because of the Strix.
6: Vegas is sort of a metaphor for what it means to be a Vampire(or werewolf even). The glitz and glamor of the outside hides something rotten underneath.TL:DR version: we're looking for dark, dangerous RP where being a monster offers certain freedoms while, at the same time, brings with it unique dangers.
At least that's what we have so far. We were tempted to just do it on roll20 or something but some of the group are new to MUing and are getting addicted and thought it'd be cool to explore these themes on a game so...here we are.
LF Vampire Requiem 2E Bloodline Suggestions...
Myself, my wife, and a few friends are working on a Vampire 2E game to mess around on and we're looking for suggestions for vampire bloodlines.
The game is set in Las Vegas and we're looking for bloodlines that fit the theme and feel of that city. I'd like 2-3 per clan for some variety.
We've already decided on Bruja for the Gangrel because I'm not that original and I love them. So we're thinking something like a gangster style bloodline, maybe 2 or even 3 that focus on entertainment(magic, singing, dancing, etc), prostitution(maybe a succubus style bloodline?), something that has to do with gambling maybe, or awareness/observation (like all the cameras in casinos and whatnot), uhm...just spitballing right now but any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Boxing and MMA are staples of Vegas so maybe some sort of a gladiatorial bloodline?
Anyway, like I said, any suggestions or idea would be very welcome. Thanks.
RE: Theno's GMC CG/Check Invocation Limit Issue...
Ok, cool. I'll PM you a log on so you can do it at your leisure.
RE: Theno's GMC CG/Check Invocation Limit Issue...
Thanks, I appreciate the offer but I actually do need to crash. It's weird because I can run the bits and pieces just fine. It's only when the function is run at once that it has an issue. In fact, it was using the bits of this command that brought another problem to my attention, for some reason it's not treating Humanity as an advantage for vampires; it wants them to have integrity(the badstat check kicks humanity back and the stat/set command will set integrity but not humanity). So I have a lot of debugging to do when I get back to the PC.