I dunno, we did stupid shit when I was a kid(late 80's/early 90's). Jumping off bridges into the river, eating/drinking gross stuff, "surfing" on cars, bottle rocket wars, playing bloody knuckles, etc. Every generation has their bout of ignorant shit I think. The problem with this generation is that there is social media to make sure EVERY kid is aware of the latest dumb fuck thing to try.

Posts made by ZombieGenesis
RE: Back in my day....
RE: Heroes & Villains MUX
@prototart I remember both of those incidents and they didn't happen quite like that exactly but I'm glad to meet another former MMXer. In addition to playing Batman and Zod I was a member of theme staff.
RE: Good TV
@arkandel I'll say this for the new Trek movies; I thought the cast had decent chemistry. They still pale when compared to the TOS movies but I enjoyed them more than most of the TNG movies.
RE: Good TV
@aerianyx @Arkandel I adore The Orville but look at the creative cast listed in the credits; Seth Macfarlane(a huge TNG fan), Jon Favreau, and probably most importantly Brannon Braga(an executive producer from TNG). The show as destined to be great. I feel like it's a great mix of TNG, the first season of Battlestar Galactica(they deal with some heavy stuff sometimes), with just enough lighthearted comedy to keep things from becoming too grim. It is currently my favorite show on TV.
RE: Heroes & Villains MUX
@shaggy Nice. MMX wasn't the first game I played on but it was the first game I played seriously on. Started back when it was Superhero MUX and stayed till it closed as MMX. I spent most of my time there as Batman and Zod.
RE: Heroes & Villains MUX
@bobotron Yeah, I wanted to use a name from one of the first games I ever played on. It was down to H&H MUX and MetaMux. I thought H&V worked better.
Heroes & Villains MUX
So I'm looking to go public with my first game in a long while in a week or so. Heroes & Villains MUX is a blended universe game(built on the idea that DC and Marvel are one shared universe but we allow for a lot of other character types). I'm gonna link to the wiki below with one warning: I'm about 80% finished with it. The theme and setting pages are done(I think), I'm just working on the pages for the Marvel Heroic RPG.
I'm posting early both to let people know that it is coming and as a fishing post to see if there are any people interested in helping out with such a game. Mostly I'd love to have a storyteller or two that could run a scene a week and some helpers for new players to talk to.
And while I'm not really reserving characters I would like to get an idea for what characters people might be interested in. Please let me know via PM if there is anyone you thought you might like. My goal is to get an idea if there are going to be any "hot characters" and find a fair way to decide who gets them. Some characters are taken, however. I'll list them below.
Taken Characters: Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane Watson, Superboy, Black Cat, and Batgirl.
Anyway, if interested in helping out or in a character, PM me. If you were interested in checking out the wiki(which is still in development) please see HV MUX.
RE: Mists of Barovia - A Savage Worlds MUX
Thought I'd do an update on this project as I've gotten a few PMs about it. RP has currently been put on hold on the game as I prep the game for a public release and upgrade everything from Savage Worlds Deluxe to the new Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. Most things are similar but it does require at least minor changes to almost everything, especially bloodlines(our races/species) and templates since they've revised their race creation guidelines.
There's no real ETA for when this will be ready for RP again but I'm hoping not more than a month or two.
RE: Mists of Barovia - A Savage Worlds MUX
Thanks for the feedback everyone. This has been a dream project of mine for years, it's nice to know there'd be an audience for it if it went live.
It's not quite as easy as saying "it's going to happen". I'm working with some other people and several of them want me to go live with a superhero game we've been playing on. Mists of Barovia also needs some work to be public ready. Regardless, I think it's something that will happen...at some point. Just not sure when.
RE: Mists of Barovia - A Savage Worlds MUX
It's just Barovia but that's also just our starting point. The land "shattered" when Strahd died(or whatever happened to him) and was reshaped much like it was during the grand conjunction in old school Ravenloft. So it could contain whatever we want it to. We do not intend, at this time anyway, to include any other Dark Lords but we may incorporate aspects of other domains. The village of Barovia itself has changed quite a bit and has become a full city.
Dead Celebrities 2019
Starting off the year losing one of the voices of my youth lMean Gene Okerlund.
Mists of Barovia - A Savage Worlds MUX
This is an interest check post to see if anyone would be interested in such a game.
So the past few years I've fallen into a personal slump creativity wise and I've been slowly crawling out of that with some private RP places. One of the things I want to do in 2019 is open a public game. I'm just trying to decide which game to go public with. My first choice is Mists of Barovia, a Ravenloft inspired game. It also harkens back to an old game I use to play on back in the day, Crypt MUX.
I say inspired because it mixes a lot of different things together; Ravenloft, Ravnica, Bloodborne, and Dark Souls mainly. Strahd is assumed dead, having died battling an angel that got trapped in Ravenloft. Since his death the land has gone mad. "Creatures" haunt the woods making travel between towns, villages, and cities treacherous. The game takes place in what is now the largest city in Barovia, the same named Barovia City.
What can people play? Humans, elves, dwarves, half-vampires, lycanthropes, vampires, patchwork men, daeva("children" of the angel that supposedly killed Strahd), etc. Standard "horror" fantasy fare.
What would people do? The game is about survival, both from the threats external(the "creatures") and internal(a lot of politics). The vampires and daeva live in a sort of standoff without being able to really go at each other without leaving themselves vulnerable to some other threat. This is where we mix in a bit of Game of Thrones I guess.
We use the Savage Worlds system for character sheets and what not.
Anyway, that's the crux of it. We've had a blast doing the game privately but I've been tempted to open the doors to anyone who wanted to play. Before I go through the work of making it "public ready", however, I just want to be sure there's interest in such a game.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
On my way to see Bumblebee! So excited! I haven't been to the theater to see a Transformers movie since the third one and I didn't even watch the last one. This one looks pretty good though!
RE: The Board Game Thread
I thought Gloomhaven was a huge disappointment. The mechanics are good and all but I just didn't click with any of the characters. I also didn't like how you will eventually have to retire your PC and start a new one. I've actually been tempted to sell my copy off.
Just started a campaign of Legacy Betrayal and I haven't had as much fun with a board game in a long time!
For X-Mas I have The Pursuit of Happiness coming my way and I'm VERY excited about that. It just looks like a box full of fun.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
@aria Nah, not gonna fight ya. I'm glad you enjoyed the movie as much as you did. Personally, I thought the movie got a lot of credit just for not sucking. It was good, don't get me wrong, and I enjoyed it but if I were to rate it I'd put it at around a 7(which is pretty good, IMO). I just thought Aquaman was better but it fit my personal taste a lot more than WW did. For me, it was like Star Wars had a baby with Tron and it was raised by Flash Gordon. Wonder Woman was good enough, however, that when people say "I actually preferred WW over Aquaman," I get it. Suicide Squad is another story, however...
RE: Good or New Movies Review
Finally saw Aquaman. All I can say is, wow! I thought it was fantastic. I think it's the first DC movie that can really hold it's own with the top tier Marvel movies. I could not have asked for much more from a comic book movie.
RE: Discussion - RPG System For OC Hero Game
@bad-at-lurking I think Palladium gets a bad rap. I've been playing Rifts and Heroes Unlimited since the 80s and love them to death.
RE: Discussion - RPG System For OC Hero Game
Heh, I was referring to BASH! Ultimate Edition. If you're referring to BESM Third Edition I actually got lucky this year and snagged a copy off eBay for $20.
RE: Discussion - RPG System For OC Hero Game
It's mostly a personal bias. I think the system works great for translating FCs into an RPG in a quick and painless manner. Which means, in the end, it would probably work just as well for OCs I just don't love the system myself. I'd use it in a heartbeat for a FC based game(I have and possibly will again in the future) but were I to do an OC based game I think I'd look to one of the games I listed above.
Discussion - RPG System For OC Hero Game
So I love 3 things; RPGs, MUing, and Superheroes. It kind of shocks me there is no OC hero MU. I know it's been discussed before using M&M 3rd Edition and, don't get me wrong, I enjoy the system well enough but I think it's a bit of a nightmare to use for a MUX(I've run Mu's using all 3 editions and a DC Heroes game using the 3E rules). It's not that it can't work I just think it's a bit too crunchy and fiddly.
So browsing through my collection I thought I'd pull out the 4 RPGs I thought would work best for a MU and then post about it there to see what people think.
Honorable Mention: FATE almost made the list but I just couldn't find a supers version I thought would work really well. My TT group had a ton of fun with Venture City stories and I ALMOST put that but stopped just short. There's also Marvel Heroic RPG. I think that game works well enough for FCs because they're easy to model but I don't know that I'd use it for an OC game.
Supers Revised Edition: This is my TT groups current favorite superhero RPG. We have 2 campaigns going right now, one using this and one using Heroes Unlimited. It's fast, it's flexible, and I think it's crazy easy to get into. It also has a really decent mechanic for bridging power levels(Superman and Batman teaming up) in the form of competency dice.
Prowlers and Paragons: Another really good system. If it wasn't for Supers RED I'd be all for a P&P game.
Bash Ultimate Edition: I included this because I have it and a friend said I should but, honestly, I don't care for it. Supers RED is just better, IMO.
Savage Worlds: Another personal favorite. The system can be a little swingy, sure, but it's an incredibly fun system that I've had no problem modeling characters after.
I think any of the above could work for a game but I'm curious what other people think. And while this could, possibly(maybe), lead to a game right now it's just a discussion, something I'm posting because it's dead at work and I'm bored.