I currently have it set to 900000000 just trying to find a limit where it wouldn't break. I'm gonna go back and check the function to make sure I didn't break it creating an endless loop or something.
Posts made by ZombieGenesis
RE: Theno's GMC CG/Check Invocation Limit Issue...
Theno's GMC CG/Check Invocation Limit Issue...
At the request of some friends I've been playing around with @Thenomain's GMC c-gen and sheet code and I think I have it 99% working. The one sticking point(so far) seems to be the cg/check command, it keeps shredding my function invocation limit. Specifically, it appears to be the check.badstats portion of the code. I've raised the limit and it keeps happening.
What's weird is if I run the function separate from the rest of the command it will work...on some characters(well one, the test mortal character). If I try to run it on anyone else it exceeds the function invocation limit. The rest of cg/check works fine if I remove the check.badstats portion.
Anyway, I've been staring at it for hours and I need to sleep so I thought I'd post about it here to see if anyone else has encountered this when installing this code? Thanks!
RE: What RPG SYSTEM do you want to play on a Mu*?
I just discovered the What's Old Is New(WOIN) system. Aside from having an unfortunate name it's actually a pretty solid system. It's set up with OLD(Fantasy), NOW(Modern), and NEW(Sci-Fi) core books but uses pretty much a universal system that kind of combines Warhammer Fantasy with D&D. I've only made characters so far but that was very fun and engaging and people I know who have actually played the game have commented on how fun it is.
RE: Muxify broken?
I had to allow scripts through chrome for it to work today.
RE: Open Legend RPG
We didn't really notice an issue with the exploding dice. It led to some interesting situations. In the end, however, we just felt the game didn't bring anything new to the table and there were other games that did the same or similar things and maybe did them a bit better(Savage Worlds, FATE, Gurps, Hero, etc).
RE: Midnight MUSH
Yeah, that's what I wanted from my FAE too and that's what Dresden Accelerated is. It's JUST enough crunch to give the system some real meat, IMO. Essentially it adds mantles that give mechanical elements to different character types. Vampires, for instance, get the Hunger condition track and can mark boxes of Hunger to power various Vampire stunts they get with their mantle.
Anyway, even though I can't help out I'll def stop by and play if/when you get this up and running.
RE: Midnight MUSH
Have you thought about using Fate Accelerated ala Dresden Files? I'm in love with Dresden Acclerated and think it would work wonderfully for a game. Just curious if you looked at that at all and, if so, why you dismissed it for Fate Core?
I do love the idea of the game though regardless. If I wans't ass deep in my own projects I'd offer up whatever help I could!
Open Legend RPG
So someone pointed me to the Open Legend RPG recently and I was wondering if anyone here had any experience/thoughts on it? It looks okay from the glance I had at it. I like that the rules are available entirely online and I very much like how open character creation is. So my questions for anyone who does have experience with it are...
1: How does it play TT? Does it play well? Do characters scale nicely as they advance in levels?
2: Thoughts on how it would play on a MU? It seems simple and streamlined enough. And, again, all the rules are on the website.
For those interested you can find the rules here Open Legend RPG
RE: Social Stats in the World of Darkness
Just removed them from being used on PCs? I'd be fine with that. I mostly assume that's the case on games I play anyway to be honest.
RE: Mixed Superhero Game Ideas
@coin That was pretty much my setup for my The Strange knock-off. I was calling it Shards of Reality. Something happened(no one knows what) in the Prime Reality that created "fictional bleed" which resulted in endless shards that represent pretty much any reality you can think of. Players could either play a character from the Prime Reality(probably a member of PRIME, people who travel from Shard to Sharl stopping Bad Things from happening) or a denizen of a Shard(say Wolverine in a Marvel universe where all the heroes were infected by vampirism). Players could do what they want with their shard or adventure to other shards. Characters could even be different people in different shards(Jon Smith in the Prime Shard becomes Batman in Shard 23 or Namor in Shard 37 or a nameless Stormtrooper in Shard 14 or whatever).
It's an idea I'd actually been thinking about for years, a one-stop shop for RP, but The Strange had a really decent take on the fictional bleed so I stole a lot of that to further refine the idea. Of the game that will probably never happen.
RE: Mixed Superhero Game Ideas
@Misadventure Mostly convenience. Instead of having to find 3 games to play on (a DC, Marvel, and OC hero game) you can just pop onto one game. And all three universes would be self-contained. DC is DC, Marvel is Marvel, and the OC world would be entirely original. Any crossover would be done through mux-wide TP.
Mostly this came to my mind because any time you have a game that has FCs there's a war when OCs are mentioned. We've seen it here, there are three distinct sides in this fight(one against, one for, and the quieter group that really doesn't care either way).
There's a third reason why this thought popped into my head that ties into the first one, I'm tired of searching for a comic game that allows X only to find the staff are nuts or I don't like something in their theme or something. I was like if there was just a general Superhero MUX that had a Marvel and DC side that had reasonable staff and what not I'd be all for it. But, again, that really ties back into reason #1; having to find 3 games that really do kind of the same thing.
Mixed Superhero Game Ideas
I hate to bring up the whole FC/OC thing again but this is something I've been thinking about and thought I'd finally post about it. To be clear, this is not a post about whether a game(any game) should or should not allow OCs. This is about a specific idea and whether or not that idea is a stale turd. So, please, try not to derail the thought train with the old FC vs OC debate.
This is also not a game I'm working on. It's just an idea that keeps needling itself in my brain. A variation on a potential The Strange style game.
The game would be a "multi-versal" type game with 3 distinct areas of play; Marvel, DC, and OC. So you'd have NYC for Marvel, Gotham and Metropolis for DC, and New Centropolis or whatever for the OC game. One unified system so that there could be crossover TPs without having to worry about DC characters being so much more powerful in general than Marvel and all that. Let's assume that's not an issue.
My fear would be spreading RP too thin. You only have X characters and spreading them out over 3 different comic book 'verses might seem to push the limits.
In the end, I realize the ultimate rule about the success of a game applies here, you'll only get out of it what the staff put into it. But it's late, I'm bored, and it was on my mind so I decided to post about it.
RE: Star Wars Stand Alone - Staff Sought
@skew It really is! I'd love to see them do more with it via Genesys.
RE: Star Wars Stand Alone - Staff Sought
@AlexRaymond Thanks for the clarification.
RE: Star Wars Stand Alone - Staff Sought
So judging by what you've leaked of the theme is it safe to assume you'll be primarily using Age of Rebellion as your source? What I'm really asking here is...will there be Jedi? It seems like the answer would be no but I just want to confirm that.
RE: Star Wars Stand Alone - Staff Sought
We haven't played the game in a while(which makes me sad) so forgive me if I'm a bit off on the mechanics.
Scene 1: We were playing Edge of the Empire. Our characters were in a cantina and all hell broke loose. Our characters all scrambled and my wife's character, a Twi'lek bounty hunter, decided to jump up into the rafters of the bar. Well she succeeded but generated a lot of strain in the process. So we asked as a group, why would she gain all that strain climbing up into the rafters? And one player commented about how the character had "packed on some pounds in the downtime" so started the "fat Twi'lek" meme at our table. My wife embraced this and future physical related strain were rationalized by her being a bit out of shape.
Scene 2: Same characters on another adventure. One of the characters, a smuggler, tried to charm a waitress in another cantina. She failed but generated a lot of opportunities. The GM decided that she failed at a normal charm but decided that the waitress had become completely enamored and obsessed with the character and a new NPC was introduced into the game for future complications.
There are other minor things. You can use opportunities to create gun jams in enemies or use opportunities to set up cool collaborations. It's a neat mechanic but you do have to embrace it. Some times things would get a bit stagnant at our table and people would just use opportunities to heal strain or use the negative symbols to cause strain without rationalizing it. In the end it is a mechanic but it's one that can be used by creative people to really liven up a standard RP encounter.
RE: Star Wars Stand Alone - Staff Sought
I love the FFG Star Wars dice system. If it's properly embraced it can lead to some really cool storytelling situations.
FFG's Legend of the 5 Rings RPG...
Just wondering if anyone has tried it out yet? I'm picking up the Beginner's Box tomorrow and I'm very excited. I love the FFG dice system and I love the L5R setting. I'm hoping this is a combination made in heaven.
RE: Potential Buffy Game
It's ultimately just the difference between what I can do(a basic wiki) and what my friend was going to be able to do(a very pretty and themely wiki). I'm actually being very careful that it remains a project of love and that it does not become stressful. Which is why the progression has been so slow paced. That's one of the reasons we lost the wiki worker I think, it was becoming more stress than love so we both decided it would be best if we went another direction.