From what I've heard the guy has a history of mental illness and has been charged with stalking someone at least once in his past.
Posts made by ZombieGenesis
RE: Pro Wrasslin'
RE: Heroes & Villains MUX
I just wanted to use this post to reach out to a few different types of people...
Players who have left: I'm hoping to lure you back with a new character generation system and RP! Things hit a hard slump at the beginning of the year with me being sick and out of sorts and people just really did not take to the Marvel Heroic RPG. Well, both of those are fixed(I hope)! I'm feeling much better and we now have our new traits-lite Power Grid system live. I'm also hoping to lure back old staff and to start running scenes again starting next week(I'll be running a scene every Monday night). So if you've let a character idle out I'm going to leave them open for you to return for another week(till 4.15.19). After that I'll return all idle characters to the general application pool.
Staffers who have left: Come back! LOL Even if it's just to your players I'd love for all of you to come on back. I'd also adore it if we could get back to running 1 scene a week a piece(right now I'm doing Mondays but I could switch to Sunday or Tuesday if Monday suits someone else better).
To everyone else: It's a new day of H&V MUX and there are a ton of characters open to app. A lot of high profile characters in fact so if you're at all interested please check us out at Thanks.
RE: Heroes & Villains MUX
Our new character generation system is now live. We have gotten rid of the Marvel Heroic System(though existing characters have their character sheets grandfathered for the time being) and implemented something we feel will be more player friendly. I call it the Power Grid system and it's a "lite trait-based" system. I'm not a fan of descriptive trait-based systems but I feel this one should be fairly painless. I was able to go through and do up the sample PCs(Batman and Superman) in just 15-20 minutes each.
So now is a good time to check us out if you were kept away because of the Marvel Heroic RPG.
We've also hit a bit of a slump with a number of characters idling out. I'm going to let those characters remain closed for the next week or so in case anyone who has left wants to come back.
I'm also hoping to get some more plots up and running starting next week.
RE: Why no Mortal Kombat MU?
I honestly think automated combat systems can be hella-fun if done right. It's one of the things I miss from my old Transformers MU days. I wonder if it'd be difficult to do up a MU version of the old Street Fighter RPG...
Why no Mortal Kombat MU?
With MK 11 arriving very soon I'm once again wondering why there has never been a pure Mortal Kombat MU? I think the setting is ripe for it, especially if you do it post Outworld invasion of Earth. You've got ninjas, cyborgs, cyborg ninjas, gods, lizardmen, and whatever the hell else. Just seems like a setting ripe for RP. Has it ever been attempted? Just curious what others think.
RE: Good TV
The Orville is by far my favorite show on TV right now with The Rookie coming in second. The Orville makes me feel like I'm 15 years old again watching TNG.
RE: Heroes & Villains MUX
Game Update!
We've hit a little slump. I blame myself. This year has not started the best for me so I have only recently gotten back to being on regularly. I also blame my use of the Marvel Heroic RPG. It just did not catch on. I still think Cortex Plus is a great system and could work on a game...just not this one apparently.
I'm not giving up, however. I have plans in the works to phase out the Marvel RPG for something easier for casual players to slip into. We're discussing the exacts on the game now but I'm hoping to start implementing it next week or the week after.
So we're down but not out. I love this game, the RP I've had, and the people I've met running it and I have no intention of letting it go.
[LF] Mediawiki Developer
I've got a few private projects in the works that I'd like really pretty mediawikis to support and that is not really in my skill set. So I'm reaching out to find someone who would be willing to help out on that front. I'd be willing to pay a reasonable price, of course(we can discuss reasonable in private). So if you're good with mediawiki and looking to make a few bucks send me a PM and we'll see what we can work out.
If it helps there are at least 2 projects and maybe a third. One is a modern-day urban horror game and the other is a Game of Thrones game(with GoT season coming up my private group really wants to make it count so I'd like a pretty wiki for them).
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Ganymede I'm truly sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you.
Prowlers and Paragons Ultimate Edition KS Live
The first edition of this game was one of my favorite hero systems. Fast-paced and easy to play with really decent art. Enough that it made me very much want to do an original hero game(then I remembered actually running OC games and the ridiculous character concepts they draw and changed my mind). Been waiting for this for some time. For anyone interested you can find it here P&P UE KS.
RE: Good TV
@Auspice I'm glad to hear that. I mentioned I was going to watch it to some friends and they commented that anyone who watched it and enjoyed it was a misogynistic racist who should be arrested before they commit the hate crimes they were currently only dreaming about. That was a week or so ago and I kind of put it out of my mind because, well, I'm tired of these types of minefield situations. I'm watching The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann right now but I'll probably check out a few eps of Robots after.
On another note, I've been binge watching Lucifer and I think that show is great. They really find their chemistry in season 2, IMO. Right now it's up there with The Orville and The Rookie in "must watch shows" for me.
The WOIN RPG System
It's not quite a universal system but the What's Old Is New series of games is really good, IMO, and certainly worth a look for those looking for a system that handles fantasy, modern, and sci-fi really well. They also have a ton of sourcebooks for popular lines with the serial numbers filed off(Lost Boys/From Dusk till Dawn, Ghostbusters, Firefly, Aliens). They're also having a pretty decent sale on DTRPG right now. If you're interested they can be found WOIN.
RE: Free Star Trek RPGs(Lasers & Feelings, Far Trek, WNMHGB)
Man, there seems to be no end to the free Star Trek RPGs that exist on the net. Finding them and giving them a quick look was a good way to distract myself this morning. Here are the two that stood out to me...
- Looks fast paced and quick to get into. Seems to have a decent amount of support.
- Uses the Micro20 system which looks pretty slick. I like how it handles ship combat, at least as the brief glance I gave it.
Obviously I haven't played either of these but I think I'm gonna give one or both of them a shot with some friends. They both look fairly dynamic and interesting.
RE: Free Star Trek RPGs(Lasers & Feelings, Far Trek, WNMHGB)
My big concern for a MU would be that character "types" would run out quickly. It's really just a combination of 3 traits. How many Hot Shot Pilots would the ship end up having for instance?
Free Star Trek RPGs(Lasers & Feelings, Far Trek, WNMHGB)
So another thread was talking about Modiphius and their Star Trek RPG, which I think is a mixed bag that would likely be a nightmare on a MUX. I was cruising around reddit today and found a little game called Lasers and Feelings, it's Star Trek with the serial number filed off. Without having played it I can say that it looks lite, fast paced, and possibly very playable on a mux. Did I mention it is lite? Like all the rules fit on one page that you can find here Lasers & Feelings. I'm gonna pass it around to my RP group to see what they think but I thought I'd post it here too.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
Went and saw it and my experience was "meh". It just felt like something they had to do so they could get to stuff they REALLY wanna do. Not a terrible movie overall but, IMO, one of the weaker Marvel movies(above the likes of Thor Dark World or Iron Man 3 but way below Guardians of the Galaxy or Avengers: Infinity War).
RE: Best (PnP) RPGs of 2018?
@BobGoblin They released the "player's guide" for KS backers the other day. I haven't looked through it yet but I was planning to tomorrow while at work.
RE: Best (PnP) RPGs of 2018?
The Tiny games are pretty neat. I have their Tiny Mecha and Monsters and it's a blast to just go out and play. So long as you weren't looking for long term character advancement I think it'd work great on a MU.
RE: RL Anger
@Testament My thoughts are with you man. I hope you find out some good news at the vets and you get several more happy years with your friend. Good luck.