There is talk coming down from the Bureau of Indian Affairs that the current administration is looking at pursuing the removal of tribal sovereignty.
RL Anger
I could really use a hug.
That's exactly what pets are good for!
Unless it's a porcupine.
Or one of those asshole cats that don't want hugs unless you don't want hugs.
My cat can be one of those cats.
Wake me up at 3 AM for cuddles? SURE!
Snuggle with me when I need hugs? NOPE.Climb up to stand on my boobs while I'm trying to work? Every damn day.
Curl up by my side when I'm sick? Heck no, that's prime 'throw my ball' time. -
A couple of work buddies and I are discussing the Inaugeration and the Women's March this Saturday. Uninvited male co-worker proceeds to tell us we're paranoid and how nothing's going to be as bad as we're all making it out to be.
Surprisingly, this male co-worker wasn't white.
He then got pissed when I nope'd out of the conversation and took it as my withdrawing because I "knew I was wrong".
This old desk that's been sitting in the corner I finally started to take apart. It had come with us in our move because my girlfriend is sentimental about it because she did her Master's thesis on it.
But it was from Walmart and it's falling apart and it's a piece of shit. So I took it apart, not noticing the layers of fives months worth of dust, to clear out the room from the big damn desk in pieces in one of the spare rooms.
I have been sneezing constantly since. It's been really annoying.
I have been sick for literal weeks. My third doctor visits was yesterday to the conclusion that yes, I do still indeed have bronchitis.
I resolved to go to work today (some stuff really needs to get done and the doctor said it should be fine for me to work, which maybe was not what I wanted to hear bUT YOU KNOW). Took my new antibiotics last night (we are trying a different one since the last one did jack shit). Took me two hours of thrashing around to fall asleep. Woke up at 3:30 for no reason. Tried to go back to sleep. Picked up my phone and started messing around at about 4:15.
My alarm clock is going off in 20 minutes. I couldn't get any toothpaste to come out of the tube today.
Everything is terrible.
@saosmash Goddamn, that's one hell of a THAT DAY.
Having had a share of those lately, all the empathy. If I could offer a cup of really good coffee to take the edge off or something, I would.
There is talk coming down from the Bureau of Indian Affairs that the current administration is looking at pursuing the removal of tribal sovereignty.
@Sunny I need something other than an upvote reponse.
From what I read they were talking about privatizing tribal land in order to give companies easier access to natural resources under the guise of 'greater tribal control'.
Because giving individuals control over the land is -totally- the best way to protect the interest of the entire tribe and the last attempt was the 1887 Dawes act which didn't end with the government repossessing the land from the natives and parceling it out to 'settlers', right?
(Hint: It totally did.)
That is not the extent of it. I'm not really interested in rehashing this, I am dealing with it too much right now, but we are looking more at like what happened in the 50s. Look into the native relocation act. Land privitzation is just part of it. It's fucking scary.
Source: I work for a tribe.
We're all pretty terrified of Trump here on the 'Libtard' side of things.
But losing land is pretty close to the top of the 'shitheel things Trump could do' list.
uh oh guys you better stop before @surreality shows up and tells you off for not using the political forum and having too much fun
uh oh guys you better stop before @surreality shows up and tells you off for not using the political forum and having too much fun
Politics brews anger. That's why it's not appropriate for RL Things I Love.
uh oh guys you better stop before @surreality shows up and tells you off for not using the political forum and having too much fun
Politics brews anger. That's why it's not appropriate for RL Things I Love.
Because, y'know, how dare some of us want to go to the RL Things I Love thread and talk about uplifting/cool stuff, not see some psychotic rant about politicians anally fisting people.
Land being taken is up near the top, yeah.
Removing sovereignity is worse.
I mean today I heard coming down the pipe talk of all of the treaties being nullified. Like. Fuck. This is mindblowingly bad.
...going half an hour away to the hospital to have the staples removed, only to find the appointment had been rescheduled to next week and the husband forgot to pass along the message, because he has the flu.
Also, sleeping in shifts not because of the usual snorefest, but because you can't be within 20 feet of your spouse because you're post-surgery and all vulnerable to everything under the sun, and he has the flu.
...and he sleeps for-fucking-ever. And you have to sit up somehow while on painkillers that whisper 'sleeeeeeeep' to you in a soothing, sleep-sheep-laden lullabye voice almost 24/7.
And and and you know he probably got the flu from staying over at the hospital with you, sleeping in a chair, so even if it's the manliest man cold ever, you feel totally guilty as hell.
Today is that day my mother felt we were both so damned pathetic she decided she's cooking for the two of us until the weekend's over, we're just that laughably useless that even soup is simply beyond either of us to do anything but order for delivery. (And then argue about who has to limp-shamble downstairs to get the door to get it. Whoever moans the most woefully wins the right to remain on their butt in the chair or in bed.)
When I approach a traffic light and see that, on the far side of the intersection, traffic has ground to a halt so that I will be sticking out into traffic if I proceed through, I come to a halt at the traffic light even if it's still green.
Sometimes, once I've stopped, traffic on the far side lurches forward far enough to allow me to proceed through, and, if the light is still green, I will do just that.
And every time, without fail, every single one of the paste-eating morons behind me follows right on through and blocks the intersection anyway.