Okay, I am tired but I suppose people will find a reason to get upset about anything.
@Tempest Said:
I got pseudo "uninvited" for bitching about stuff on WORA early last year and my character was killed off screen according to the wiki.
Nobody gets uninvited or asked to leave due to WORA. So you can stop on that note. As for your character getting killed off, while I'm not sure who you played, if you were gone for a year, then it's pretty clear you're not coming back.
@Tempest Said:
ETA : No way is randomly killing Player Characters off-screen with vague shit like "killed by something?" not done out of OOC spite for one reason or another, even if it is just 'fuck this asshole for disappearing'. Use NPCs for your fucking "plot".
So, let's be clear. We moved wikis. That being said, the old one is at http://requiemforkingsmouth.wikia.com/wiki/Requiem_for_Kingsmouth_Wiki . So keep that in mind when you look at the new wiki for dates. As to the 'killed by something' line. There is not a single person on this list http://kingsmouth.info/wiki/Deceased that does not have a specific method of death. So I have no idea what you're even talking about.
@Misadventure said:
Staff set idle out time. They decide that is a freeze equal to abandonment., THAT may be (to me it is) poor policy
We do not equate time out to abandonment. We do equate being gone for several months or a year with no contact to abandonment. As would anyone else, so none of you start.
@Derp said:
Killing a PC is the absolute laziest and most unfair method of going about something. If the goal is to fix people sitting on territory or whatever, then it's pretty easy to say that they abandoned it, for whatever reason.
That is not the goal..
Now that all the rhetoric is addressed, actual explanations. The policy exists because while on the reach if you freezered six times in one day you never bothered anyone or anything. On our game, if you freezer six times in one day you cause us work and affect the political landscape. Anyone that plays on our game should know that the inactivity policy exists first and foremost as a way to buffer the monthly eminence and influence rankings from being inflated by people that don't actually play the game. This has so far been a successful deterrent to people having their friends make point mules. Additionally, having players show up that are 3 weeks idle affects our census and we feel that it is a lie to tell you there are 3 gangrel when one of them hasn't bothered to log in for 3 weeks.
Now, as for killing PCs off in plot. If you care to go investigate the PCs killed off in plot, they were either inactive for a long time (Several months to a year) or we were told they were not coming back. We also don't do this just randomly out of spite. We only do this in relation to a plot, we also sometimes use them as plot NPCs. This is a better use of existing resources that someone has just abandoned than just letting them sit there. If you don't like that, then make it clear where you're going when you decide you no longer want to play at Kingsmouth. The reason we do this is because there are no random NPC vampires in kingsmouth. Every vampire in kingsmouth is a defined entity. We have no shadow entities, no 'this random daeva,' no 'that guy.' They all have names. So when a player has been gone 7 months and we need a female daeva for a plot and that player hasn't contacted us in 7 months, yeah we will use that player as our NPC. And why not? I don't think that's unreasonable to assume if you can't bother yourself to tell someone in several months that you're busy but want to retain the PC that you are not coming back. Writing an email takes exactly 3 seconds. All it needs is 'I play x. RL.' We will understand this.