You could look into a sex discrimination case or an ADA case.

Best posts made by Ganymede
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
RE: Looking for potential staff for a Colonial Marines (Aliens) game
@jennkryst said in Looking for potential staff for a Colonial Marines (Aliens) game:
Throw it into the BattleTech MUX engine! Because that will never go wrong, right?!?
Do you have access to this? Because I would so run a Battletech game in a second. Kind of.
RE: Echoes in the Mists - CoD 2e MU
Also want to put in that I've returned to the game.
Still looking for potential packmates for my werewolf. My new vampire is substantially more sociable. And mages, whee!
But, yeah, if you're looking to put a toe back into the water, now's a good time.
RE: RL things I love
@kanye-qwest said in RL things I love:
My company has added more comprehensive care for mental health to their insurance offerings, and partnered with a network to provide resources for mental health and counseling, etc, to employees. For a corporation, they really aren't so bad sometimes.
Not all fiefdoms are full of corrupt shitheads.
RE: Looking for potential staff for a Colonial Marines (Aliens) game
@fatefan said in Looking for potential staff for a Colonial Marines (Aliens) game:
If I could hire a Ken Burns soundalike for occasional memorial documentary clips, I would.
Um, no. You want zefrank.
RE: Dust to Dust (Formerly the nWoD grenade thread)
@Miss-Demeanor said:
Because your player run plots aren't advancing sphere plots or (hopefully) metaplots. STAFF should be running those things, not players. Staff should have that inside information, not players. That should be a Staff ST's entire job, handling the plots that cannot or should not be handled by players.
This is not categorically true or untrue. Players generally expect that staff will handle sphere-wide plots, but this does not have to be the case. And staff does not need to reveal inside information in order to operate a sphere-wide plot. So, I disagree that sphere-wide plots must be run by staff only.
I have for a long time suggested the implementation and use of staff-sanctioned modules. These are plots that are drafted up by staff, with bits of information in them that may be discovered by the players through the plot. Players can easily run modules, and be unaware of over-arching themes or a meta-plot that is shown when you put the modules together.
You use the word "should" a lot, and I have to ask "why." It's not because I'm trying to be obtuse or childish, but because I think we ought to challenge the "should" and wonder: "what if?"
RE: RL Anger
@misadventure said in RL Anger:
Maybe that's the sort of benefit that the Federal government should mandate?
The feds have better things to mandate, like proportional representation.
RE: Make MSB great again!
@lithium said in Make MSB great again!:
Make the advertising section essentially locked. Original poster can post things, but otherwise, no comments. Keep the rules on the advertising thread to a single post, that way it's all concise, creators have to edit their initial post to keep things up to date should they so choose to update it.
But this also bars posters from posing questions to the advertisers, and permitting the advertisers to respond to the same. While I understand that we can always PM each other, you are severing a legitimate form of communication. Further, not all advertisements are for complete games; they are also used to see the general interest of the members for particular games and to solicit assistance.
Consequently, I disagree with @thenomain's synopsis. A cursory reading of the current Advertising Forum shows at least as many requests for help or feelers for interest as advertisements for completed games. Giving the poster control over what's in their thread is already an unspoken policy around here; there's no need to really change that. But I agree with Thenomain that it will take some genuine effort for us to, without policing, respecting the existing policies, let alone new ones.
Otherwise, and unsurprisingly, I concur with @faraday. Make the Reviews section non-Hog Pit and move parts to the Hog Pit if warranted.
RE: Dust to Dust (Formerly the nWoD grenade thread)
@Miss-Demeanor said:
Gany: When I say 'sphere-wide plot' I mean 'metaplot for a sphere', as in, the major story arc for a sphere. And I say 'should' because I know that such things HAVE been handed to players before. Never saw it end well, but its happened.
I think I understood what you said. Just because you did not see it end well does not mean it is a bad idea.
What I envision is dividing up a sphere-wide plot into tiny pieces, which a player can easily run on their own. They can be events; they can be actual stories; they can be whatever. Staff can manage that, and pitch in where necessary.
It just requires some coordination and leadership. So maybe it is something we ought not consider.
RE: Which canon property/setting would be good for a MU* ?
@faceless said in Which canon property/setting would be good for a MU* ?:
AresMUSH's combat system would work perfectly for Starship Troopers, I think.
Ares' combat system is very good for PvE large-scale battles in general. I'm in for Colonial Marines, and would be in for Starship Troopers as well.
RE: Ghoulage on Kingsmouth
@Munsell said:
Recently the influence system just underwent a massive overhaul and what the post is saying is that staff is closing all influence related jobs and giving players 3 days to update them or they will lose the influence they worked for. I don’t like it, but the least he could do was to be more apologetic about it without sounding like such a dick.
I concur with you.
3 days isn't enough time to do what is requested. Even if there were 100 Influence Jobs, I cannot explain the reasoning used to decide to eliminate them all, and cannot concur with that decision.
It does appear to be a knee-jerk reaction. The policy should change.
RE: RL Anger
I'm sorry to hear you're going through a rough time. My advice is probably not something you should follow, but, having removed any semblance of empathy or a soul in exchange for a profession, I generally have nothing good to say about or to any person that has meaningless injured another.
You may want to remind your brother that families, unlike marriages, are not contracts.
You are a better person than I. I love my family, but I remember how they neglected to tell me that my cousin, with whom I grew up and went to school with, committed suicide until after the funeral.
RE: FCs on Comic MUs
@tempest said in FCs on Comic MUs:
For some strange reason, I got the impression it was about black history.
Understanding Harlem's history is important, but the story is transcendent.
RE: NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot
@Auspice said in NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot:
They may need it the most but I'm not dealing with their temper tantrums to force them to it.
My vampire pirate is going to have a field day.
RE: Make MSB great again!
Cynically, heroin's cheaper than getting knocked out on hooch.
RE: NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot
I will make a PC vampire once or if the bloodlines are written out and installed. I will make a wolf until then.
But I won’t do either until I move into my new house fully and work lets up a bit thereafter.
RE: What is your God-Machine
I would go with the opposite. The God-Machine injects chaos into the world, in the form of meaningless destruction. This forces those with free will to organize in a hopeless attempt to avoid the inevitability of chaos, meaninglessness, and insanity. The only reason that it is referred to as a "machine" is because it is inevitable.