@Auspice said in Mental Health and Grown Up Stuff:
Do you realize how much liquor you have to get into me? No one wants that bar tab.
I'm rich, biotch.
@Auspice said in Mental Health and Grown Up Stuff:
Do you realize how much liquor you have to get into me? No one wants that bar tab.
I'm rich, biotch.
@Catsmeow said in Mental Health and Grown Up Stuff:
Actually, I'll probably drink while you two sing.
That's not how this works.
If we gonna be Destiny's Child, you gotta sing.
@Auspice said in Mental Health and Grown Up Stuff:
I'm sorry it's hard right now, but you are doing it right.
Thank you. I'm always right, eventually. You'll understand.
Despite my robotic exterior, those who know me know I'm an optimist. I'm also slightly loony. So, while I believe things will be all right, even if it isn't I will be fine. There's nothing I can think of that can help me right now, except handling myself, which my partner allows me to do on a regular basis.
(And, yes, I'm better than you at karaoke. Step up, champ; I'll take you down.)
Working out. Singing hard. That's been my life for the past year. But before then? The same, pretty much. But it's been almost four years, and it's getting harder and harder to be civil these days.
@Auspice said in Mental Health and Grown Up Stuff:
It's dangerous to the people in the thick of it, tho. It's like that article even said- that woman had people in a cancer group who were the most optimistic people she'd ever met. Which, props to them for being positive. It's hard in that state.
Sure. People can elect to feel however they feel about a certain topic. I'm okay with that. Shoving platitudes on someone does little to make them feel better, though. And I've learned that it breeds resentment and can even exacerbate the problem.
My partner gets panic attacks about examinations in her program, which she gets every 2 or 3 weeks. I used to try to pep her up and encourage her, but she told me recently that just made it worse. Made her feel like, if she didn't pass, that she'd be letting me down. So my new strategy is just letting her deal with it her own way, and trying not to get frustrated from the fact that I've seen her for only a few hours every couple of weeks, and, by then, I'm so lonely and detached that I've nothing to say to her.
I mean, I can basically feel our partnership falling to bits, but I don't say shit about it. It doesn't help. The only thing I can hope is that, at the end of the road, there's something to cling onto that we can build around.
@Lisse24 said in Mental Health and Grown Up Stuff:
This very morning, as I explained the situation with my niece, a friend said, "Well, she'll be home soon!" No. No, she won't and it sucks. We're tired and grumpy and telling us to look on the bright side delegitimizes the struggle that we're going through right now.
They are saying this to comfort themselves. Folks don't want to admit how easy it is to fall on hard times. They still want to believe that everything will be fine if you pick yourself up by the bootstraps.
@Lithium said in General Video Game Thread:
AC2's have min range, AC-5 does not.
You are correct. I was incorrect.
We both agree that the Shadow Hawk is shit.
Life is good. I shall tilt my chair.
@Lithium said in General Video Game Thread:
Not saying I like the ShadowHawk, I still feel it is a shit mech, but if played right and /not/ part of a vacuum it's weight can still be felt on the battle field.
Sure. The Shadow Hawk makes for an excellent flak absorber. It has good armor for its weight, and so it can absorb a few PPC shots before falling to bits. And in the original box, there was no Jenner, so I have to agree: put a Shadow Hawk against a couple of Wasps or Stingers, and you better put your money on the Shadow Hawk.
(I don't agree that the Jenner has any disadvantage against a Shadow Hawk, though, because a Jenner in a dead run gets a +4 modifier to hit and can out chase a Shadow Hawk easily enough, while still having sufficient movement to stay out of kick range. Plus, LRMs and ACs have minimum range penalties, which means that a Jenner at 2-3 hexes away -- who can maintain that distance easily with 7/11/5 -- has the advantage.)
I actually like that TV head, for whatever reason. Gives it character. Better than whatever the hell is sitting on the Wolverine. Or the Thunderbolt.
I just hate feeling like the bad guy.
Are you on the lease? Do you own a firearm?
These are the two main questions I would have. Because I do pack heat. And I am usually the only signor on the lease.
Come in unannounced? Ohio's got the Castle Rule. Landlord finds a stranger here? We're out on the street.
It's really as simply as that.
@Jaded said in General Video Game Thread:
Flamers are a greatly undervalued and underused weapon of destruction in BT.
As are MGs against infantry. Or, heck, MGs if you don't mind sitting up nice and close.
@Jaded said in General Video Game Thread:
There are better ways to invest the 15 tons (approx) for a better mix of weapons.
17, if you pop out those Heat Sinks, which -- fuck, why the fuck would you add heat sinks when you generate all of 8 heat if you fire all of your fucking weapons?
Anyhow, with those 2 extra Heat Sinks, load up with a Large Laser, 2 SRM 4s w/ 2 tons of SRM ammo, 2 Flamers, and 2 MGs w/ 1 ton of ammo. You are devastating at short-medium (potential damage of 24 per round), will wreck vehicles, and tear through infantry. Heat shouldn't be too much of an issue. You have the advantage on many Light 'Mechs, because Large Lasers and PPCs are their bane and most have to close to short-medium to do damage, at which you will have more firepower and more armor. You still may have trouble against a Griffin (any non-Heavy 'Mech will), but if you can outlast the LRM-barrage, you've a fighting chance.
@Lithium said in General Video Game Thread:
The ShadowHawk does do one thing well though, it harasses at all ranges. The LRM and AC-5 have good range, while the medium laser and the SRM has short range.
This is true. But it lacks the mobility to stay out of range of better 'Mechs with better weapons. Like Griffins and Wolverines. Even a Jenner would put the pounding on a Shadow Hawk: an SRM 2 and Medium Laser is nothing compared to an SRM 4 and /4/ Medium Lasers.
it's not just a suck 'Mech; it's a shit 'Mech. Period. Like, the Ostscout is at least good at what it was built for.
To be fair, his penmanship is atrocious and unreadable, but it's all something that needs to be solved with OT and additional help in the classroom, which I don't think he gets much of, outside of grip tools for the pencils. That said, when I was a kid we did a ton of penmanship drills, rather than just being shoved towards writing essays at age 7.
So, he's going to be a lawyer or a doctor. Have you seen the shit we write?
My brother is a doctor; I'm a lawyer. And people think we're literate in Chinese, that's how bad our handwriting is.
@Tempest said in Fear and Loathing:
Idly, wtf are the "Brides of Dracula"? I've never heard of this as a covenant.
They are found in the Danse Macabre supplement. They are basically Anarchs.
@surreality said in Roleplaying writing styles:
I have always tended to stick to roughly around the length others are using in the scene. Sometimes I'll get a little longer. Some people I can't keep up with on length.
When it comes to length, all I have to say is:
@Tempest said in Roleplaying writing styles:
Over the past few years, I've grown to 'expect' things like the example @Arkandel mentioned earlier as part of good RP.
Like you, my expectations have adjusted over the years. I've been doing this a long time.
My poses tend to come out in a style that mixes scripts and prose. My prose is straight-forward and blunt because I write persuasively before tribunals. Hanging participles and flowery writing are rightfully derided. Legal writing rises and falls on the ability to get the argument across quickly, succinctly, and without confusion.
There is also a bit of conceit. I use it expressively to point out where a PC isn't apparently clear or where there is a hook to grasp onto. For example, today:
"Do not forget about Cannae." Whatever that means. "My Sire told me much of your Covenant. Of its origins. Of how it believed itself to be so -- so /different/ -- when it was just like anything else, anyone else. Zeal by doctrine, rather than faith by revelation. Enforced, not believed." Beat. "But I do not believe you have come to talk about doctrine. And I do not believe for a second that you truly fear me." Another beat. "And if you did, then being here -- " He chuckles quietly. " -- being so close to me? Is not prudent."
This sandwiched by two other paragraphs: the introductory paragraph, wherein I try to set up context for the "meat"; and the conclusion, which is usually one or two sentences I use to try and offer suggestions as to what to interact with.
But I limit my expectations to what I can do. We all express ourselves differently. I'm not going to get annoyed if someone expresses themselves poorly, flamboyantly, or otherwise differently.
@Autumn said in Roleplaying writing styles:
My style changes gradually as a scene size increases. In one-on-ones I'm at my most indulgent, but, as more people are involved, I get progressively less and less wordy.
My style changes distinctly when you're involved. You know what I mean.
@Tempest said in Roleplaying writing styles:
She smiles. "Hey Jane." She looks around. "Where is everyone?"
This is grammatically correct, if somewhat inartful. Then again, Hemingway made a healthy living.
She smiles, "Hey Jane." She looks around, "Where is everyone?"
This is not grammatically correct.
Do you like darkness? Do you like blood magic? Do you like insanity?
If so, come to this game. This game right here. I'm looking for a few folks that want to play dirty, dirty Acolytes. Specifically, Nosferatu Acolytes. With Malkavia.
Come by. I have ideas. You can find me there as Wes.
Maybe I should look into a nose job or xanax.
If your lack of sleep is affecting your ability to lose weight, you may be able to get a doctor to sign off on a sleep study. This may be an important step in figuring out what's causing you to not sleep well, even if you're super-anxious.
Lack of sleep will mean elevated cortisol levels, and a whole lot of other bad shit. So, your first step to weight loss may be getting that sleep study. If your doctor won't send you that way, you should find another doctor.
@surreality said in RL Anger:
(Hilariously, the week on that I had huge amounts of bacon daily I lost 12 pounds and it stayed off for six months... somebody has to explain that shit to me because seriously that's freaky.)
New studies are showing that animal fat isn't all bad for you. If you're not used to eating tons of meat, bacon can sit in your stomach for a while, making you feel fuller. Lots of potential reasons.