@Roz Emojis are back too, now!
Posts made by Glitch
RE: Error 503
You'll generally see this for a few minutes during upgrades. If it corrects immediately upon a reload, it's probably not an upgrade and is just a hiccup in the system.
ETA: Apparently it's a 502 instead of 503 on upgrades.
RE: Writer's Group?
@Cobaltasaurus I can set up a group for you guys, just let me know if you decide to go that route.
RE: Interesting online superhero story
Ah, okay. That I can definitely understand. The structure of the storytelling did catch me a bit, and when reading in one go what someone put out week after week as small blasts of the story did lead to some issues for me too. I just really dig the atmosphere and setting, like the main heroine and the supporting characters are compelling to me. I don't think it's all perfect, but I really enjoyed what I've read so far (there's a lot of it).
RE: Interesting online superhero story
What do you mean by "the beats drawing [you] along"? The pacing?
RE: Coming in 2016 - Bump in the Night
Do you guys pronounce it like "bitten"? Because that was a good idea, @Coin.
Interesting online superhero story
I haven't read all of it yet, but I'm really liking a (now 5 year old) web serial called Worm.
RE: Improving MSB
Maybe it doesn't work in the middle of a thread?
[poll title="foo"]
- bar
- baz
Seems to be the case
RE: Do you use spawns and how?
@Roz I'm just floored at the number of spawns you've got going. It does look easy to read and understand at a glance, but man... isn't there a lot of clicking involved, going back and forth between all of those?
RE: Do you use spawns and how?
@Roz Could you screenshot an example or link one? I'm curious what sort of layout works well enough that you'd only use it under those circumstances.
RE: New forum version
@Misadventure http://musoapbox.net/chats should give you a view of all your chats. Also, if you click the chat icon in the menu, then click on See all chats it'll take you to the same place. It seems to have all of the people I've chatted with? Also, banned people are still in my chat list, though deleted accounts might not be.
RE: Zero to Mux (with wiki)
I've added a section called PennMUSH that will give you a fully loaded @Volund instance minus the CG. There are links in there for his various CG systems, but it otherwise has all of the systems and code you need to run a game. I've just run through it all on a fresh digitalocean mediawiki install, but if you're having problems, let me know!
RE: How did you discover text-based gaming?
A guy I knew in highschool ran a MajorMud game on his bbs, so I ended up playing that and Legend of the Red Dragon. I next found an RPI MUD where the founder coincidentally lived in the same city I did.
My first experience with a MU* was when I stumbled upon Shadowrun (Denver? Seattle?) and thought all the +commands were crazy and wondering where the kill command was. It was heavily coded for a MU, but in leaving that, I found Castle D'Image, the most free-form place I'd ever joined. I liked all the RP I found there and I've been MU'ing on and off ever since.