clears throat
A continuation of the Serenity discussion so that can maybe (but most likely won't) get back on-topic. Also just re-posting this because we keep talking in circles and it's time to have space sim discussion again, so all the points are up there ^ !
The big thing to remember is that the soapbox is not the whole of the MUing community, despite what mindsets and... er... statements from atop soapboxes... might imply. You cannot take the WoD mindset and apply it 1:1 to the communities of other games and expect it to come out the same way.
Taaaake Star Wars.
In one corner, we have Chontio using the FFG rules. Centralized RP on the one planet and really no way to have your fancy SWAG. I joined WITH A GROUP, and we got... not a lot done, because we were techies, and that kind of hinged on having gear to upgrade. 'Just handwave gear' is incredibly close to a 'just use what your resource stat says is cool' attitude. Which might work some places, but not there. Or maybe not? All I can say is that there used to be waaay more than 4 people on around this time, but right now... there's just the 4. And I'm one of them. Whee.
In the other corner, Age of Alliances uses Dahan's Dynamic Skill System... the one that is in place on Serenity, but scales to 100 instead of 40. Presently, there's 55 players online, with 79 for today's record. It feels more like a Star Wars game, with ships and flight and equipment and all that. Also, you can totally just avoid space yourself, and use the shuttle system. Win/win!
All that said, I'm not advocating playing at AoA over Chontio. I'm on record as being a huge Edge of the Empire/Force & Destiny nerd. I was incredibly vocal about getting the FFG ruleset in place for a MU, and one of the reasons I pulled the chute on AoA in the first place was how the headwiz was ADAMANTLY against it when he decided to wipe the database for Episode 7. But at the same time, I want to play a game that FEELS like Star Wars, and not a WoD game with the labels replaced.
Got off on a tangent there. Ahem.
Anyone know where we can find code of any of these fancy old space sims? I have some (unfinished and buggy) HSpace 5 code. It's hardcode for Penn, but it exists and has the foundation for Brachistochrone trajectories, because unlike earlier HSpace systems, there is no coded drag. Once you get up to your desired velocity, you will continue until you slow yourself back down. Not that that matters, because planets hadn't gotten to the point that they were mobile yet.
Anyone? Space code? Bueller?