The problem with critics, is the fuck they know what /I/ like. They are presenting an opinion piece, that's it, their opinion is not any more valid than mine or anyone else's.
Was the <insert artistic piece here> entertaining? Was it powerful? Did it convey a message that resonated?
That's not something that the critic can answer for /anyone else but them/.
People need to go out and make their own fucking decisions.
Some people like Led Zeppelin. Others do not.
There's a lot of reasons why one person may like something and another doesn't, but in the end, it all comes down to individual taste.
My Partner cannot stand most Quentin Tarentino movies.
I typically enjoy them.
Who is right? Who is wrong? Both and neither.
It's when people present critiques as /absolutes/ that drives me fucking crazy, because nothing, especially in the art world, is absolute.