@Ganymede This is a fallacy.
Nobody lives in an emotional vacuum. Not even people who pretend to be robots.
Every single interaction we have with other human beings is colored by our perception of it and we make snap judgements.
I'm not saying it's good, I'm just saying it /is/.
It's one of the dark sides of human nature and it applies to how we value opinions as much as anything else.
The simple fact that someone like Trump seems to have won the Republican nomination is part of the support for what I said.
People reacted emotionally to what he said and therefor his opinion mattered more than the other candidates so they voted for him.
For whatever reason, their perception of him, was better than the other possible candidates.
I'm not trying to turn this into a Politics thread, just using it support my opinion on opinions.
We can /try/ to not weigh opinions based on our feelings but that's a lot harder than it seems, and I'm willing to say that I believe most people can't do it. Not really. See Trump.