@Vorpal @Kanye-Qwest
No I am being utterly serious.
We have schools which are refusing to teach natural selection and other sciences. We have schools that are cutting art and music classes. We have people who are refusing to see any other point but their own when it comes to simple life choices. We have politicians who are making it illegal to be comfortable to go to the bathroom if you're remotely different from the 'norm' regardless of the damage it does. In the news currently there is a father who says that '20 minutes of action' has ruined his sons life, when it was 20 minutes of sexual assault on a passed out drunk woman. We have presidential candidates who's opinion is that Global Warming is a myth, and yet, they site Global Warming as a reason to build a seawall to protect their golf courses.
The average IQ is around 100. People as a whole /cannot/ think objectively, they don't have the capability or the desire to.
If there are any who buck that trend and can do these things, it's us.
We are not the majority.
There is a saying that was true when it was first said, and it's still true today.
A person can be smart.
People are stupid.
The value of an opinion, which is what started all this, is individual. That the general 'you' value one opinion higher than someone else does not intrinsically make that opinion more valuable, or have more merit, because it's still just an opinion and everyone is free to form their own opinions or assign their own weight/value to an opinion.
'Your' opinion is any better, or worse, than anyone else's to them.
Thus they all have equal value in the grand scheme of things.
Clearly some of you here do not value my opinion, no matter what 'reasoning' I use to justify it because you disagree with it. Which entirely proves my point.