@Rook If you're having skills degrade like that, do you make it cheaper to buy back?
Best posts made by SG
RE: What does advancement in a MU* mean to you?
RE: RL Anger
@Arkandel We've had bilingual labeling since the stone ages, and people still rag on it here. You'd think Canada was full of immortals who actually fought against Napoleon or something.
I'm totally on board with being front heavy on physical skills.
I mean, don't gymnasts peak when they're like 12 or something? I was listening to an interview with an airforce helicopter pilot and he said he was got transferred from active flight status when he turned 30 because he was too old. Most professional athletes are thinking about retirement before that time.
RE: Good TV
@ThugHeaven So stoked. I'm really pleased that they're kind of following the creation of the Duke of Normandy thing I read about when the show first started and I read about the people the show was based on.
RE: What RPG SYSTEM do you want to play on a Mu*?
@golgoth Yeah, it was interesting for sure. I disagreed with a lot of what the headwiz did, but it looked very nice and was coded well but I think he put too much work into it and kind of flamed out. A shame it only had like 5 players.
RE: RL things I love
Having mushes to play on while my TT group works out its obsession with Labyrinth Lord.
@Three-Eyed-Crow said in FS3:
Had one of my snipers miss a 96% shot last time I rolled up a game. Haunts my goddamn dreams.
I'm becoming of the mind that that's a glitch the programmers left in because they thought it was hilarious, like the Gandhi nuke thing in Civ. It's probably only a 69% chance.
RE: RL Anger
Our IT department just decided to restrict access to all the files for my project because they were created by someone who left.
FFS people!
RE: Good TV
@lordbelh said:
New GoT trailer just came out. I didn't realize how much I wanted some more GoT until I saw it.
RE: RL Anger
I mentioned to a coworker that I was replaying the half life series and really enjoying it. He said disdainfully that he wasn't impressed with the story and that he felt it lacked depth and didn't have an interesting enough story behind it.
I asked him what kind of games he liked.
He said street fighter.
RE: RL Anger
@Admiral said:
On the downside? This killed my 'promotion' I was supposed to be getting. Also she gets rewarded by not having to work so early.
And I was told if I file a lawsuit against her, I'm fired. This is Texas, so yes. They can do that.
Isn't Texas one of those crazy sue people for anything states? You sue her for being stupid, and then sue your company for threatening to fire you for standing up for yourself.
If worse comes to worse, file a patent for threatening people with a log stapler, and then take her to that infamous courthouse in west texas we hear about on Ars Technica all the time.
RE: RL Anger
How I can be so uncomfortably hot in most places, but be surrounded by a bunch of people wearing fucking toques inside.
RE: Good TV
I really enjoyed the pilot, it hit most of the sweet spots for me, and seemed to have that goofy fun vibe that made True Blood fun in the first season. Of course, watching it with my parents was extra fun, my mom hates that sort of stuff.
RE: RL Anger
@Arkandel for me it's because bright lights can trigger migraines for me and having a big bright white screen glaring angrily at me will do it reliably enough that I have my screen brightness/contrasts turned down so much I can barely see my mouse pointer in some programs. Granted, it's usually not just the light alone, I often need to be hungry and have some stinky jerk with too much perfume nearby, but yeah. White backgrounds are awful.
RE: Do you believe in paranormal things?
I used to suffer from fairly regular sleep paralysis, and as such had quite a firm belief in ghosts, as I'd wake up in the middle of the night and see people standing at the foot of my bed watching me sleep.
This got worse after we bought a house from a widow, and I was sleeping in the room hubby died in.
That was all before I learned that this was a very common hallucination that people who suffered from sleep paralysis suffered from, and the one rewiring my vcr every night was probably my meth head roomate and not an irritated ghost sick of us watching Kindergarden Kop every day.
So I got over it. Until I moved into my current apartment a week after seeing Paranormal Activity. It's the first time I've lived with hot water heating and I didn't sleep for about 3 months from all the little noises going on.
Now I rock white noise, ear plugs and a sleep mask and can sleep through even the most paranormal of infestations. Fuck you, ghosts!
I don't believe in them these days, but I try to, it makes scary movies more fun.
RE: RL Anger
If you're going to be a tour guide, lose the vocal fry.
There's nothing worse than hearing every detail of a new facility like you totally could have made one better, but you had to go to the mall because Brad was in the food court flirting with that slut at the Orange Julius.
RE: RL Anger
Motherfucker, I've had scotches foisted off on my by scotch-drinking former friends (yes, that is a fucking warning!) for thirty fucking years. How many more years of this shit do I have to try before I'm permitted to decide I don't like your filthy, watered-down, ineffective cough syrup?
But have you tried it with Dr Pepper?
RE: RL things I love
Dear bathroom singer: Never change, that was magical, buddy.