I think everyone dying of poison and insanity is about the best you can get in any scenario, Rimworld or otherwise.

Posts made by somasatori
RE: Rimworld!
I didn't see a post about it, but there's a game on Steam called Rimworld. It takes the graphics of Prison Architect and mirrors the gameplay of Dwarf Fortress to make a game wherein you're managing an off-world colony that's basically set up to fail in hilarious ways. You can also play as a tribe.
Here's how my most recent playthrough went:
A great devastation wiped out the tribe. The five surviving members of the tribe set out led by Crow, who was raised in a cave as a child and went on to become his tribe's most brilliant hacker despite not having the technology level to build computers. Crow and his four companions found a nice spot in a world that was largely deserts. It was the sole tropical forest.
Crow and his friends get to work! They build up some sleeping quarters, a research area (maybe one day Crow, gifted hacker, will be able to figure out how to make a computer, like the prophecy foretold), and then disaster struck. Raiders from the desert wastelands beyond the new tribe's village had attacked! After beating one of them unconscious and stabbing the other two to death with spears and taking their guns, Bear, the tribe's resident medic, stood by while the rest of the tribe very quickly built a prison. Bear brought the fallen man whose name was Gizzard, to the prison.
The group decided to try to recruit Gizzard, and meanwhile Crow and two other tribals headed down to start excavating out some of the compacted steel in the hills nearby. However, Crow noticed a wall and it terrified him. It was made out of polished granite. Despite Crow's warnings, Soup, the tribe's primary researcher (who was also a cave child, and a pyromaniac) decided to take down one of the walls.
Beyond the wall was a series of four pods. Strange things, they said CRYOSLEEP on them. The tribe went to bed that night, but Crow knew taking down that wall was a bad idea.
The next day, the pods were empty and open. What happened? Well, no bother. The tribe needed to forage, and Bear and a one of the other tribeswomen (Lilac, an art-loving psychopath), went off to hunt.
Then the sleeping occupants came back with heavy assault rifles and two arctic foxes.
Sadly, the last of the tribe of Goreflicker was no more.
RE: I spent only one day here
This post kinda reminds me of that Strongbad email about Trevor the Vampire.
"I spent only one day here-"
stake through the heart.
RE: +Ye Olde WoD Psych Up
@Bobotron said in +Ye Olde WoD Psych Up:
I know the people at Modern Nights were super-friendly when I was discussing an Assamite Sorcerer I'm thinking about apping [...]They were super nice about my Ravnos Antitribu pack priest. Staff's been nothing but cool with me there.
RE: The Descent MUX
No problem! Your game looks pretty cool, so glad I could help.
RE: The Descent MUX
Oh! Yep, that is a bit outdated. I think you'd need the older CSS extension, which used to be called PageCSS. That's what the Reach used. You can find the more updated version of that which works with 1.16+ here: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:NewPageCSS
RE: The Descent MUX
@Taika said in The Descent MUX:
I could use the help of a wiki person to install CSS or walk me through the process - there's been offers of help, but without CSS, the code they have isn't compatible.
Do you mean the CSS extension for Mediawiki? If so, go here: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:ExtensionDistributor/CSS
Once you download that, you'll want to extract the contents of the folder to your Extensions folder in your media wiki directories. You can do this in a couple ways. You could put the tarball downloaded from the site into your extensions folder (found by using an FTP client to go to your provider, then going into www/mediawiki1.27/extensions -- note, if you've renamed the mediawiki folder to something else, it'll obviously have a different name), and extracting from there using shell commands. Alternately, you can extract locally and then upload the contents of the archive into that same folder. Without knowing what your architecture looks like, I can't tell you exactly where to go, but the extensions folder is front and center in the main mediawiki directory.
After that, go into the main wiki directory and find a file called LocalSettings.php. You'll want to scroll down to the section where it says # Add Configuration options below (usually at the bottom of the file) and copy and paste this:
require_once "$IP/extensions/CSS/CSS.php";
After that, save and close the LocalSettings.php file. PHP takes effect immediately. You may need to clear your cache to use the extension on pages and get it to work for you. Following that, you can use the following template on your pages (just as an example, you can put whatever CSS you want):
b {
color: slategrey;
font-size: 1.6em;
font-family: Palatino, serif;
}}Edit to add: clarified why you'd need to clear your cache.
RE: Do you believe in paranormal things?
@Admiral said in Do you believe in paranormal things?:
I'm Agnostic. I would never judge someone for their religious beliefs regarding the creation and maintenance of humanity by potential Creator figures.
That being said? People who believe in invisible goobs floating around watching us or interacting with us? That's paranoid ignorance leftover from the dark ages before science.
It's like believing in Bigfoot. The overwhelming, complete absence of evidence is evidence of absence.
I sincerely agree with that. I don't even think God really watches us all the time or has much of an interest in what we do on a day-to-day basis. However, this isn't really a religious discussion.
It is very paranoid to think that we're watched all the time by spirits of the dead/floaty beings/whatever. I think people have guilty consciences about what they do, and they manifest those thoughts as belief in angels, demons, ghosts, and whatnot. Like I said, I've seen some weird shit, but in hindsight, it was probably all of the drugs and booze.
RE: Do you believe in paranormal things?
Kinda? I'm religious, so I suppose there's that, as much as Baha'i really believe in the paranormal. But if you count Allah'u'abha/God among the paranormal, I would say yeah. That will probably net me some downvotes, I'm sure.
Ghosts and such, I don't know. I've seen a lot of weird shit, but it's more likely that my mind was playing tricks on me. Also until five and a half years ago, I was a heavy drug addict and then alcoholic so I wasn't exactly the most reliable narrator for my own life.
As far as the more far-fetched paranormal things like faeries, vampires, werewolves, etc., the WoD cornucopia, no. Absolutely not. As @Admiral said, magic and ghosts aren't real, and we're all nerds. In fact, I used to think it was very sad that White Wolf had to put that disclaimer in the front of their books regarding the existence of those sorts of creatures.
RE: Code Teachers?
Hey everyone, if anyone is interested, I logged and threw the code class that Cobalt taught up on Fallcoast's wiki here (after removing any staff-sensitive information, since I'm Toska):
Wiki code sucks for formatting, but imagine that there's 38 spaces between the names when they're in columns. Enjoy!
Edit to add: Fixed, just made the bits where columns are into code blocks by adding a space in the formatting. Should be good now!
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
I kinda want to ask you to do a map for a table-top game I'm in now. That map is gorgeous, KQ.
RE: RL Anger
@somasatori said in RL Anger:
Hello, anniversary of my brother's suicide. Fancy seeing you again this year.
I'm so sorry, @Roz. I can kind of empathize. The anniversary of my wife's suicide is on the 30th of this month. All of my condolences for you.
Man. Condolences right back at you. It's an awful club to be in.
It certainly is. Also four years for me, too. It's strange how time seems to go by so quickly, but so slowly at the same time. Anyway, I hope you're doing well.
RE: RL Anger
Hello, anniversary of my brother's suicide. Fancy seeing you again this year.
I'm so sorry, @Roz. I can kind of empathize. The anniversary of my wife's suicide is on the 30th of this month. All of my condolences for you.
RE: What series are you reading?
I'm currently re-reading China Mieville's Bas-Lag series.
If you haven't, you really should check it out. It's pretty incredible. While I tend to shy away from anything that's considered steampunk in any way, the fantasy and tech really works in this series. I highly recommend it.
RE: oWoD Roller & Possibly Sheet system?
No worries, Theno. Do you have a github that I can take a look at or did you wanna log in?
RE: oWoD Roller & Possibly Sheet system?
Thanks, guys! I sent Theno a PM about it. But I'll take a look-see at your ancient one @faraday
I would imagine that if we wind up quitting the table top, I'd probably try to pull this into an actual MU*, Vampire Fall of Rome style. But I'm not sure how long that would take to do/whether or not the table top putters down. For now, it'll just be some friends of mine and me, but perhaps in the future~
Thing is, I've always wanted to see a decent WoD game set in the Dark Ages. There's enough stuff with the V20 junk that just came out that makes it a pretty awesome contender for it.
oWoD Roller & Possibly Sheet system?
Hey there, I'm looking for some code snippets. Some friends and I are going to be doing an online table top, and while I could just make a very simple pickrand from 1-10, I'm not a very good coder (ask @Thenomain or @Glitch), so I wanted to check to see if anyone had an oWoD roller code and possibly a sheet system (Vampire, specifically) laying around. We're doing a Dark Ages vampire, pre-fall of Rome game set during the second Punic Wars, with the intention of doing the whole "through the ages" thing up till the modern nights. I figure that oWoD code is probably some of the most common sitting around outside of Star Wars.
Alternately, if you feel like setting something up for me, I can throw you the addy where I've got the site set up. Lemme know in a PM or whatever.
Anyhow! If anyone can help me out, I've got some interesting code snippets I can exchange in return, or I can help you out with your game in regards to theme and such, which is generally my forte beyond the usual STing.
RE: [Interest Check] Original vampire-based supernatural MU*
This sounds great. All of the thought you've put into the vampiric houses seems like it'd be a very well-crafted world. I really like the Roman style there. I'd definitely be interested in playing on a game like this. It sounds like it'd be rife with a mix of scheming, politicking, and so on, without having to deal with the systems already in place from nWoD. It'd be a nice change of pace. Keep on keepin' on, sir.
RE: How-To Contest
@tragedyjones said in How-To Contest:
I'm a shoe-in to win "How to abandon a game to other staffers: a pictorial guide"
I can collaborate if you want.