So I'm not really sure where to put this, so I'll put it here. Along with being sick, I've noticed my cat isn't feeling well either. He's had cold symptoms for awhile now, and I never took him to a vet for it simply because every single person I asked and web site I looked basically said the same thing; it's cold, nothing a vet can do. But he's had a cold since January. It's worried me, though this passed weekend it finally looked like he was getting over it.
Now we come to today. He's not eating, he's not drinking water, and he's been throwing up a lot of white foam. Normally, I know this is usually revolving around the fact that he has a hairball he's trying to get rid of and that can upset his stomach to the point where he doesn't feel like eating. But then, I noticed he's been doing it a lot, because I've been cleaning up after him. And the last time earlier tonight, it wasn't white, it was pink, with what I'm pretty sure is a very small amount of blood(like a coagulated thin small strand of blood).
What bothers me is his not drinking water. He will sit by the water dish, but not drink water. And much like looking at WebMD too much, after looking into why cats do that, it honestly terrified me, because it's an indicator of kidney problems. I have a vet appointment for him tomorrow morning. But it's so out of his personality. This cat loves food, to a very annoying degree, it's really the only thing he does that grates at me. Now, I miss it. My girlfriend suggested baby food, and thankfully he did eat that, but not a lot, and only when I fed to him on a spoon for him to lick off. Maybe a third of the container? But considering he usually wolfs down half a can of cat food per day, it's not what I'm used to.
The odd thing is this all happened overnight. Last night, he was begging for food and going to town on the water fountain like he always has been. Today, it's the exact opposite. I had to force his mouth open and pour spoonfulls of water down his throat just so I knew he wasn't going to dehydrate. Never had to do that, save for the times he had medication.
I admit, as a bearded, burly 36 year old man, I'm utterly terrified of losing my cat who has been my constant companion for near on 15 years. I know, I know, the rational part of my brain tells me I should be lucky I've had this much time with him, but irrational part of me says that why can't I have 18 years with him.
I know my old man is in his twilight years, but the thought of him not being at the door to scream at me for food when I get home from work is a thought of emptiness I'm not sure I can handle right now.
I wish it was morning so I could take him to the vet. I just want him to be okay. I want the vet to throw some meds at me that I have to give him everyday. I want his final years to be happy and functional and I don't want to keep him alive for my sake alone. If it's his time, then it's his time, but, goddamnit, I know a part of me is going to be destroyed by it. He's the best pet I've ever had. So very much uncat like. Never gets on counters, never aggressive. Always just wants affection. And food. All the food ever.
Apart of me feels guilty, that I took so much of that for granted. That he would want on my lap, and I'd set him next to me on the couch because my laptop was already occupying my attention. You always think, "There's more time for that later." There is, but you take it for granted. You take so much of it for granted.
I don't know what to do. I just needed to rant into the void that why can't our pets live as long as us.
Go. Hug your pet. Your cat. Your dog. Your rat. Even your pet alligator for the weirdos out there. Maybe I'm being dramatic, and maybe I took for granted how relatively healthy my cat has been for so long. I hope he's okay. That's is something treatable like gastritis(That's my other, less terrifying guess to his issues right now, so I'm more hopeful for that than some liver or kidney issue).