@Wolfs It's simple really. Don't emit or mention by name anyone who could be apped. This is the same rule for apping a character. We don't want a player locking another player into a situation/course of action if they're apping the one mentioned.
We had someone app someone who had been repeatedly mentioned in scenes and ended up objecting to how he was portrayed. I've seen both Alfred and Aunt May apped more than once so it happens. It's just simpler and we don't want to deal with having to retcon things and/or play middleman in negotiations between two people to arrive at a happy middle ground.
So yes, instead of saying 'Aunt May' just say 'my aunt'. Instead of 'Alfred', say 'the butler'. That way if someone apps a hot, young Aunt May there's no possible conflict with the old, wrinkled aunt that's been emitted 20 times.
It's not going to change so if that's a deal breaker for someone, we're obviously not a good fit.