They are introducing Totally Not SHIELD, Guys in Trinity Continuum
They are introducing Totally Not SHIELD, Guys in Trinity Continuum
See, my issue with 1-3 edition is that it is NOT wireless. I can't get into a sci-fi game that has worse tech than my phone.
Lonesome Road isn't as good as Old World Blues.
Also I am on my second play through and am already seeing so many things I missed in my first 72 hour "speed run".
(72 hours of gameplay not over 3 days).
@Sanguine said:
@tragedyjones Hunter conversion to GMC was given in Mortal Remains.
I know, it is literally the last thing in the first post
I love love love LOVE Promethean. And yet, despite a hard on for the God Machine as a concept, Demon doesn't do it for me.
An example of the needless but awesome depth of NPC interactions: Codsworth and the Boborov brother who bartends at the Dugout Inn in Diamond City had a 2-3 minute talk about moonshine as an alternate fuel source.
@Coin said:
Demon has a Dark Eras. it'll be Cold War Russia, iirc. Because apparently "on the nose" isn't enough, they wanted to fucking pummel that nose with a sledgehammer.
See Also: Dustbowl Promethean.
@Vorpal said:
@Lithium Now that would be an interesting Fallout game- exploring how, say, Brazil or Italy developed after the apocalypse. Fallout: Verona, anyone? Or Venice. Venice would be a -cool- post-apoc setting...
Provided it managed to stay above water. Otherwise it's just Rapture with poor water pressure control.
So... Rapture?
I will begrudgingly admit that WoD makes a better and easier cross media platform.
Y'all need some post apocalyptic pretty people in your life.
@Spitfire said:
So are all the old books useless in terms of mechanics? Is the lore material all they are worth for now?
It depends on both counts. VtR 2nd recommends using the Clanbooks for theme still, but most old books are fairly obsolete from both standpoints, tough ideas can still be found in them, and many mechanics can be converted with minimal fuss.
This peeve is not as serious as racism or abuse, but: When law enforcement professionals refer to marijuana as a narcotic.
Guys someone make a ctl game so I can maybe try it for once.
In CofD 2E, you do not technically make an attack roll in a grapple, even when you are inflicting damage, you make an opposed Strength + Brawl roll. @Coin's reasoning fails because you do not lose defense when you are grappled in either edition.
Just a little self-masturbation right quick, we are currently at 62 Connected / 44 Unique / 63 Record and 94 approved characters.
If you want a new experience, we are still young, about 30 days old, so come and give us a look!