I'm intrigued! I think it could be pretty neat.
Posts made by ZombieGenesis
RE: Power Rangers: Power of the Grid
RE: Good TV
I think the Mark Hamill as Joker is a fan-boy hope since Kevin Conroy was apparently cast as an older Bruce Wayne/Batman in the Crisis crossover.
RE: StargateMUSH
From a player's standpoint, there's not much to learn Ares wise. It mimics most MU* commands quite nicely. The biggest thing I found for people transitioning over is learning the scene system(which is totally worth it).
Aberrant Second Edition
Aberrant is one of my all-time favorite settings(if not games) and with 2nd Edition being KSed it has once again piqued my interest. I'm doing an outline of character generation for Ares and I'm left wondering...do we need to stick to the story path system or could we do it a more traditional way?
For those who may not know the "story path" method of character generation leads you down a path where you define a number of life paths that your character has taken. During each step, you define the path, select a number of skills and edges, and some other narrative stuff. Then, for attributes, you "rank your arenas", spend points, select your "favored approach" and then increase each attribute in that approach by 1 point. Then you spend 6 more points in skills.
For Aberrant, you'd then apply the Nova template and spend 150 XP on powers and other things.
While I like some aspects of the story path system(I think Arenas and Approaches work well for knowing how attributes are meant to function) the character generation part just seems needlessly complex.
So I was wondering if potential Aberrant players would be opposed to or offended by the idea of using a more classic White Wolf CG style. I can't really think of why a player couldn't just spend 7/5/3 in attributes, select 12 points in skills, and 6 dots in edges. Seems nice and tidy to me.
It would require some house ruling on the XP side of things. You get a discount for Paths and Edges in your Path and your path also gives you connections. I think that might be minor compared to simplifying character generation overall, however.
Anyway, I figured while I was outlining how I want things done I thought I'd throw this out there to see what others things; code it up as it's presented in the books or simplify it?
RE: Thoughts on Gumshoe for MU*?
I almost did a game based on Trail of Cthulhu once. Almost. I think it could work from what I remember. I'd be interested in it anyway.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Derp They were Lays Stax Que Rico.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@ghost I was at the grocery store and got some sort of "Caliente" lays layered chips(like Pringles). I was like, "How hot could they be?" I have never had a spicier chip in my life. Granted, I haven't really done spicy food since I was a teenager but still...Jesus Christ.
RE: Good TV
Well, I never said it was terrible. I said I didn't care much for it. I just didn't find most of it that interesting though I obviously found it interesting enough to finish. When it was finished, however, I was just hoping that season 3 would be better and closer in quality to season 1. I do agree that Paul Reiser was really good in it though.
RE: Good TV
@Ganymede I enjoyed season 3 almost as much as I did season 1. I didn't care much for season 2 but they more than made up for that with this season.
RE: Bad Moon Rising MUSH(Buffy FS3)
@Bad-at-Lurking That was my primary concern. The stats have limits(up to 8 I think?) so I was curious about how they handled stats that went beyond that. When I was toying around with using FS3 for a general urban fantasy game I was thinking about using the optional Advantage system and having things like Strength where each rank gave you a cumulative +2 modifier on strength rolls.
Bad Moon Rising MUSH(Buffy FS3)
So I vaguely remember this game and I know it ran on Ares with FS3. Unfortunately, I cannot find anything on it any more. I'm very curious how they handled supernatural abilities. Anyone have any information on what mods or changes they made to the FS3 system to fit Buffy? Thanks!
RE: BESM 4th Edition KS
It was made by a guy who wanted to RP out his various anime desires with a single RPG engine. So he made one. It's really just a generic RPG system with anime fluff slipped over it. He says he modeled some stuff off of traditional Asian philosophies such as harmony between Mind, Body, and Soul(the three attributes in the system) but, really, the "anime" portion is more setting than system.
RE: A fully OC supers MU
Yeah, whether you use a system or not I think you'll get players. You just have to decide what interests you, what will motivate you to support the game, what will motivate you to play on the game. Do what you want, be passionate about it, and people will come.
RE: New Handheld-only Switch
Dairy Queen Builder 2 is the shit. I set my blizzards to cost $0.00 and removed the doors and windows from the establishment and it turned into a scene from The Crazies. Way more fun than murdering pool goers in The Sims.
RE: A fully OC supers MU
@atomic I think you should make the game YOU want to play the way that YOU want to play it and everything else will sort itself out. You'll attract like-minded players who share both your vision of a system and theme and I think you'll have a lot easier time maintaining and managing a game like that. I've tried creating the game that "other people" want to play and it just doesn't work. I think you'll find that most supers players are open to a great many things and as long as you're passionate about what you're doing you'll be okay.
RE: Star Trek: Dreadnought Atlas (Name Pending, TOS game)
I thought the FATE package looked fine. I dug into the SW/Genesys package and it just wasn't complete enough for me. It might be good more for the Genesys side but for Star Wars you'd need to do some work to make it functional(gear, Jedi c-gen, and a few other things). Cortex has so many variations you'd have to look at what they built to see if it's what you're looking for.
All are good and functional though...if they fit what you're looking for.
RE: Horror MU*
Ahhh! I about lost my poop when I clicked on that link! I am going to find a way to be part of that plot!
RE: Star Trek: Dreadnought Atlas (Name Pending, TOS game)
I did a plugin for the A Song of Ice and Fire RPG by Green Ronin games but never released it publically. I did it as a way to learn Ruby and Ares. I coded it over the course of a vacation last year. So there are already lots of options and learning how to do it, if you have the desire obviously, isn't that hard(the learning curve is fairly reasonable).