@Catsmeow The big problem I had with coding a Rifts c-gen was just that it was tedious. Every OCC or RCC needed something special about it. That's one of the reasons I was so excited for the Savage Worlds version of Rifts to come out, it's a much simpler system.
Posts made by ZombieGenesis
RE: NO-GO IPs for MU*
RE: All Original Supers Game
Systems wise I'm a big supporter of Savage Worlds nowadays. Been working on a c -gen system for a potential SW game in fact. My TT group is currently in the middle of a Necessary Evil campaign and we're loving it.
RE: DC Rebirth
We due tend to skew a bit earlier in the day RP wise. More than a few of us log in from work.
RE: DC Rebirth
I read in another thread that DC Rebirth was "dead as fuck". I just thought I'd comment on that here so that the idea that we're dead isn't just hanging out there in the universe.
We are currently suffering from low login numbers to be sure but we aren't dead. We have regular RP going on all the time with several plot threads being explored by a number of players. I won't say it's been an easy ride since opening (we've had some small problems with RP cliques and our wiki is currently under assault by web spammers) but we are still chugging right along.
We do have the occasional guest or player log on, issue a single command (I'm assuming it's WHO), and then log off. I'm guessing when they don't see 30 or 40 people on they assume we're "dead as fuck" and decide to leave. Fair enough but there is RP to be had for those who want it . We also have a number of FCs that have either idled out or are about to idle out so if you're interested in DC RP now would be a good time to check us out and possibly join "wave 2" of DC Rebirth.
RE: NO-GO IPs for MU*
@Sonder I worked with some people on a Game of Thrones MUX a few years back and they were contacted by staff at BoD. They were actually quite polite and just discussed diluting the player base for GoT RP and asked about bringing our ideas over to their game. When staff a the game I was working on declined they just said "Okay, good luck!" and that was it. It was all very pleasant. I can't speak for other people's experience but that was the experience we had.
RE: Marvel: 1963
To spark interest on DC Rebirth I proposed this change for our game a month or so ago and it was met with very strong resistance by my players. I was actually kind of shocked.
RE: Hyper Focused Game Setting
@Auspice There was also Stephen King's Kingdom Hospital.
Hyper Focused Game Setting
One of my biggest issues getting involved on a game is that, often, the setting is just too large. Even so-called "small towns" often encompass large areas and I often find it difficult to worm my way into plots. Some of that may be my timid RP nature but it led me to wonder about smaller grids.
On top of that I work at a hospital and on lunch today I noticed something...we're not actually a very big hospital but we still have a fairly large campus and a lot of people milling about. It led me to wonder about setting a game in a hospital (WoD or some other urban fantasy).
Some of the larger hospitals out there employ over 20,000 people with almost half that again in affiliated physicians. On top of that they can have upwards of 2,500 patients actually staying in the hospital not to mention how many more may be there just for brief periods for surgeries, doctor appointments, ER visits, or just there visiting any of the above. The total population equals that of a small to medium sized town.
Now the setting wouldn't have to be a hospital (that's just what I'm most familiar with) but anything that employs a large number of people and has a large number of visitors. Has anything like this been done before? I can't think of anything. And if not...why? Are there flaws that I'm not seeing that could not be overlooked or worked through?
RE: DC Rebirth
Just bumping the ad. We're still alive and trucking along. We've hit a bit of a player slump but the good news is that means there are a bunch of new characters open for application. I've also tried to make the process of claiming previously played characters.
We're also at the beginning of a global plot designed to shake things up a bit so now is a great time to come check us out!
Address: dcrebirthmux.com:2001
RE: DC Rebirth
There's RP for those who want it. Players seem to be on mostly during the evening and night hours Eastern Time (though we tend to have at least some people on all day).
RE: Dead Celebrities: 2017 Edition
Wrote one of the defining books of my childhood.
RE: The Secret Life of (Your) Pets
Awww. All these guys are too cute!
Here's my brood...
This is Yoda. He just turned 6. He runs the house. Well he thinks he does. I have a cat that disagrees.
This is Aayla Secura. She's our little crackhead. I seriously cannot believe the amount of energy she has.
This is Jaina Solo. She's the newest member of the family. She's also the most stubborn and bullheaded. She's mastered the art of the "I'm sorry" face though.
This is Zoey. We rescued her from the pound a few years ago. She has a lot of health problems (she's deaf, mostly blind, and is losing control of her bodily functions) but we love her and hope to make her final years comfortable and happy. This picture was our attempt to get her to wear a doggie diaper. It did not go over well. She no longer wears a diaper.
This is Veronica Mars. She runs the house. Of that there is no question. She's a sweetheart but takes no crap from the dogs.I also have another cat named Charlie but I can't find a pic of him at the moment. He adopted my wife and I about 15 years go. One very cold Thanksgiving evening he just sort of ran into the house. He's lived with us ever since.
My wife and I don't have actual kids so these guys fill that role for us. We love them to death.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
Congrats on any steps in the right direction!
Last year my wife and I made similar pledges. She's done better than I. She's done quite amazing actually.
For myself I just started DDP Yoga and it's going well. So far.
As for the other stuff, I just got my first paycheck from my YouTube channel and I'll be receiving a royalties payment from Amazon for my self published stuff soon so...going in the right direction there too!
RE: DC Rebirth
@Bobotron Absolutely. I think writeups.org has examples of some of the rings. Eventually I'll have a section of the wiki devoted to each of the ring colors.
RE: DC Rebirth
Well now is as good a time as ever. I think we're about as good as we're going to get without being 100%. If you're interested in checking us out you can connect to us at dcrebirthmux.com:2001. We have a temporary wiki up at http://dc-rebirth.wikidot.com/.
I'm on as Dark Souls but I'm at work so may be prone to idles or ghosting out. Hopefully there's enough up to get people started but if you have any questions just let me know and I'll answer em just as soon as I can.
RE: DC Rebirth
@Coin I couldn't agree more about the "In your own words". I've done everything I can to streamline the process as much as possible. I'm hoping people will find our character generation swift and easy. Using the combination of an existing RPG (DC Heroes) and letting people use Comic Vine for their backgrounds should help with that a lot.
Also, there's nothing saying we can't have a war between Atlantis and Themyscira...
RE: DC Rebirth
I've been spending the morning migrating the DC Rebirth stuff over to a private server. It'll be hosted all by itself with a mediawiki all its own. We'll be using wikidot till the mediawiki is fully up and running but hopefully that won't take too long.
Still working on some bugs and stuff but soon, I promise. Things have slowed a bit as my pain meds tend to knock me out but it's coming.
RE: DC Rebirth
I was unfortunately not able to do the testing I was hoping I'd be able to do yesterday on the game. I spent most of the day in the ER and dentists office after being assaulted by my next door neighbor. Today I'm at work but tomorrow I should be able to fully test the character generation system. Then, depending on how long it takes to find and fix any bugs, I'll either be posting the address tomorrow afternoon or Friday morning.
RE: DC Rebirth
Thought I'd post an update. Things are going pretty well. I think we're about ready to start letting people in. I have a few people over testing out c-gen looking for any obvious bugs. News files are all up. The only big thing left is a butt load of data entry for the wiki in regards to the DC Heroes RPG. I figure that can wait till after we open, however.
So, I work Wednesday but might start letting people over on Thursday. That's my plan as of right now.
Oh, and I'm thinking of implementing a 7 or 14 day wait on second alts just to be sure all the choice characters aren't taken.