@Misadventure said in Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness:
Or link commentary from another thread.
Or provide concise commentary, rather than over-wrought musings.
@Misadventure said in Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness:
Or link commentary from another thread.
Or provide concise commentary, rather than over-wrought musings.
@ThatGuyThere said in Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness:
I have stated my issues in other places so as not to derail this thread i won't get into specifics except that I find it too fiddly for my tastes especially on line.
You didn't get into specifics, which is fine, but you also aren't being clear enough for me to figure out if your objections are wholly subjective.
What do you mean by "fiddly"?
@ThatGuyThere said in Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness:
I do like the ideas TJ outlines above if only I could stomach the system I would check it out.
I know I will regret asking, but what's wrong with GMC/CoD/2E nWoD's system?
Today, out of nowhere, a woman I have never seen before walks up to me in the middle of the store while he's with me on leash and goes into this lengthy explanation about how she's extremely allergic to dogs and so the only places she can go are restaurants and stores, and could I please stop bringing my dog to the store?
My response would be:
"That's nice, but you have no right to tell me where I can and cannot bring my dog, much as I have no right to tell you where to stick your self-entitled, ugly-ass head. I can recommend you stick it up your ass to prevent us all from having to hear your voice, and can tell you it would be a great favour to the world were you to do so."
@Thenomain said in The State of the Chronicles of Darkness:
What it looks like is: Indifference, Party, WWE, Even More Indifference, and Saw II.
The problem isn't too much WWE; it's not enough WWE at the right times.
@Misadventure said in The State of the Chronicles of Darkness:
I offer this coherent argument: Thpppppt on Werewolf Gifts. Renown requirements, strange choices as to who can get what, hodgepodge of powers in many sets, also werewolves are stinky.
I presume you're talking about Werewolf 1E Gifts. Werewolf 2E Gifts are the bee's knees.
@SG said in Good or New Movies Review:
I didn't even care about the Joker, he seemed shoehorned in ...
Can't really have Harley without Mr. J.
... who was that bionic commando dude they tacked on at the end? Did he even get a line?
That was Slipknot, played by Adam Beach. I guess he would have served more of a purpose than demonstrating Col. Flag's ruthlessness. Of course, Slipknot, like Boomerang, is utterly useless in the larger scheme of the DCEU, so his death is just fine with me.
@SG said in Good or New Movies Review:
Suicide Squad was pretty non-offensive(I went in expecting a steaming pile). I mean, whoever was in charge of the music should totally be shot, but other than that, I think waiting for the director's cut is the right choice. Seems like a lot of important stuff was left on the cutting room floor. I also hear Batman Vs Superman has a director's cut out that makes the movie make some sense.
Apparently, Leto was pissed that a lot of his work wasn't in the release cut, so you can bet the director's cut'll be better.
@Apu said in Good or New Movies Review:
You make very valid points.
Thank you! Here's another good point: Suicide Squad is a fine movie.
It's not The Dark Knight. It's not even The Dark Knight Rises. But it's a lot better than Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice because it doesn't take itself seriously.
Don't compare it to The Avengers. It's not that. It's its own thing. Enjoy it for that; enjoy it for Leto; enjoy it for Harley.
@Insomnia said in Cheap or Free Games!:
Mordheim City of the Damned is having a free weekend until Sunday, and 60% off until Monday on Steam.
... huh. I didn't even know this was a thing.
@Apu said in Good or New Movies Review:
Rotten Tomatoes seems to be biased against most superhero movies unless they're obvious money winners, like the Marvel flicks. Anything else made by anyone not Marvel? They'll hate it!
Except that the Marvel movies were decent productions that did one of two things: (1) focused on the characters involved so you could feel connected to them; or (2) toss many of those developed characters into a single plot that barely held together, but made for exceptional acting in small snippets.
Warner Bros. does not seem to have quite understood this in their milking of DC's superior material. Even after Nolan's non-pareil trilogy, they still haven't quite figured out what makes superhero stories compelling. And that's quite a shame.
@Arkandel said in RL things I love:
I don't know anything about the political situation there to tell if antagonism will help matters or make them worse.
Worse, of course. Lawyers are notoriously thin-skinned.
But it's an important thing to point out. Public defender offices are getting slammed, and their budgets slashed. Courts are fronting a lot of money to keep compliance with the Sixth Amendment. The general public naturally does not understand why this is a huge problem, so I can understand why Barrett is going after Nixon.
You can't really address a community crime problem by shuffling off offenders. You solve it by reintroducing them back into society, and turning them into valued members again.
@Coin said in RL things I love:
Hopefully some cool Judge pops up and is like, "You got pwnd. Deal with it." >.>
Unfortunately for Barrett, that particular statute is substantially limited. Bar members remain entitled to compensation for their work, even if they are appointed under this Section. If there is no compensation, then the courts may indefinitely postpone trials until counsel can be appointed.
It is unlikely that Nixon will be forced to represent the defendant. An intrepid judge, however, may order that all new indigent defendants be released upon their own recognizance until their counsel can be appointed and their cases can be heard, or issue a writ of mandamus forcing the local government to fund the public defender's office.
So UNLIKELY to find it here. Won't say impossible.
Rite-Aid sometimes carries it.
@Cupcake said in RL things I love:
So yes, the health problem sucks, but I've found something that actively encourages me to keep it under control in a way that's really motivating me. Oh, and you can customize your monster's name. Any suggestions?
Sugar Bear.
@Coin said in Fanbase entitlement:
... and getting us all to agree on anything is like pulling teeth, so. XD
This is probably true, but I'll take a crack at it.
Entitlement in the context of a MU* should include having and the right to express feelings and emotions related thereto by virtue of one's participation therein or in the hobby in general.
Entitlement in the context of a MU* does not include having the operators of a MU* complying with every demand a participant may have regarding policies, the direction of the game, or other players on the same complying with another player's demands regarding their participation, which includes their PCs.
I think this covers most of what we're getting at.
@Coin said in Fanbase entitlement:
You can't arbitrarily decide that people deserve to be more entitled in one medium or another just because of that, especially not in today's world where fandom is such a huge, huge, huge part of people's lives, to the point where being a fan of a TV show or book series is a hobby unto itself.
I don't think @lordbelh arbitrarily decided anything. He made a valid point regarding the difference between TV shows and MU*s.
You are an active participant in a MU*. Games live and die on the participation of players. Players invest time into games. The difference between watching a season of Jessica Jones and playing on a MU* on which you make the choices for Jessica Jones isn't thin. The difference between how TV shows are produced and how MU*s are produced is also not thin.
I have less sympathy for folks that watch the Harry Potter movies and bitch about its deviation from the books than for players that are playing Vampire: the Requiem by the book rules and have to deal with staff house ruling 50% of it, or staff that are favoring one Covenant blatantly over another.
I mean, you know @Sunny's story with Kushiel's Debut. Are you going to say that, as a fan of the game, she had no right to be pissed off when the game's staff starting screwing over the players that she personally invited over there?
@Kanye-Qwest said in Fanbase entitlement:
No no, see. First Blade shows up, and kills all the pretty teenage vampires. Then the Winchesters show up and kill Blade. Best series finale ever.
The Injustice book is so weird. On the one hand, it has some of the most touching storylines for some characters (like Harley, above) and also the plotting is pretty tightly written because they're one-year arcs, no exceptions; on the other hand, they are so hamfisted in so much of it, it's crazy.
If it helps to communicate my opinion, I also despised Juno and I Heart Huckabees. And The Gilmore Girls. Hamfisted dialogue makes me want to fist ham.
But she's definitely been made worse. In some of the comics, she has had arcs (here and there; they can be rare) with real, actual depth. Some of the justifications for her Suicide Squad costumes... 'We want to show that she's owning her sexuality.' I mean, OK. I kind of get that? But at the same time... Not many women (if any) are gonna go to the theater and think 'girl power' with those outfits. They're going to sigh about yet more fanservice.
If she's been made worse, that's another issue. I'm merely disputing that she was smartly written in B:TAS, or was calculated to be so. It's really not until the second and third seasons that Harley gets out on her own, and, even then, her relationship with Mr. J is less about abuse and more from sheer crazy.