@ThatOneDude said in Alternate CoD/WoD Character Growth / XP Systems:
I think the issue here is when talking of caps the examples used are games that are built with a cap in mind. When we talk CofD and nWoD and WoD and others that don't have a cap built in it doesn't seem warranted. In my opinion as seen through out.
My point through all though is if there is plot/story/challenge then most of this other shit doesn't really matter to most players.
Captain Blowhard ( @Thenomain ) brings up a valid point above about using more skills, this is for real something that should happen. Nothing makes a low level player that is generalized look more badass than when he can get that "single" success that's needed on a variety of rolls that test his skills/abilities vs the POS PC built to drop a ton of raw dice on firearms that can't climb a rope, or escape in a foot chase.
With that nothing is more fun than being challenged in RP. That moment when you know you have to roll 5 dice to avoid certain doom like: Escape out of a window before being spotted by the monster creeping through the house. With CofD what's even better is getting a fail and making it dramatic for the story. So when I bomb that roll my PC then will have to take the hit and fall to the floor making a ton of noise... Now my PC needs to get up (one round) and figure out how to deal with the monster that knows where he is by the sound made (+1 beat sucka, thank God I'm not capped and can use it to beef up X skill later with the other beats).
I have ran into this a fair bit but it's more a problem with how things are /ran/ rather than the characters or XP itself. Especially in the modern MU* world where people are so concerned about getting things finished /fast/ that they throw away the possibility of allowing the PC's to /fail/.
Scheduling can be a nightmare, but if something is multi-part then only people who can make the regularly scheduled parts should be participating imho.
Players should have a chance to fail, and it should have repercussions in game and to the characters. So many games everything is the carrot, everything is dessert, everything is with a cherry on top that it makes it so there's no challenge, rewards lose all meaning, and I have a really hard time remaining invested.
So GM/ST's should make use of those oddball skills more often, let other stats and characters shine, but it seems to be something of a lost art on many games.
Bravo to those who still challenge players without just adding more bad ass opponents.