@Admiral Yeah, I played through the beta and am still enjoying it. I hope they release the map editor soon, I want to see some community maps while the playerbase is still big.
Also, some people are way too good at piloting helicopters.
@Admiral Yeah, I played through the beta and am still enjoying it. I hope they release the map editor soon, I want to see some community maps while the playerbase is still big.
Also, some people are way too good at piloting helicopters.
@Ganymede I played the beta and had fun with it for a few hours, but I found the map design was terrible--designed specifically to enable spawn camping. With a little care and thought, it could be a very fun single player game.
I wouldn't touch the multiplayer with a ten foot pole, but I could get behing a single player campaign.
@tragedyjones My friend who works at EA is saying the new star wars game they're putting out has a single player campaign. I'm pretty excited, a game that pretty should have some thought put behind it.
I finally got to the episodes in Buffy with Malcolm Reynolds. I can see what the hoopla was all about.
@Jaded I enjoyed Old Blood quite a bit until the end boss.
Building nightmare dystopias out of beautiful islands in Tropico. Like, what is wrong with me?
There are some spreadsheet sites out there that work really well for battlemaps. I've used google draw before and had some success.
@Arkandel I think it's mostly a pet peeve of mine that I rarely encounter smokers anymore, but to watch television, they're everywhere. It weirded me out in BSG as well. You're on a space ship ffs!
@Coin It seemed like every scene with zombie girl was fixated on her lighting up another cigarette. It reminded me of mushers who pose all about their smoking but never contribute to a scene.
So, am I the only one thinking that last episode of American Gods was a fucking cigarette commercial?
@faraday oh cool, I'll tinker with that! Thanks!
Sweet, have everything working. Now all I need are cannons and cavalry!
@Lotherio I had a little line battle just now. If I statted things correctly, british majors driving Regular Line Infantry are much better than French lieutenants driving Green line infantry. I don't think I had the hit locations right, it was returning blank spaces.
I went with something like this (87 being the gear object):
&WEAPON_MUSKET #87=A Line Infantry Musket|Firearms|4|0|4|Ranged|Personal|0|10|0|50|0|Physical|0|0|1
&WEAPON_BAYONET #87=A Bayonet|Melee|Melee|-1|0|Melee|Personal Vehicle|0|0|0|0|0|Physical|0|0|0
&ARMOR_COMPANY #87=A formation of soldiers large enough to soak damage|Commander Right_Flank Left_Flank Centre|4|Vehicle
&VEHICLE_RLIC #87=Regular Line Infantry Company|Command|4|2|Company|MUSKET BAYONET|0
&VEHICLE_GLIC #87=Green Line Infantry Company|Command-1|4|2|Company|MUSKET BAYONET|0
&VEHICLE_VLIC #87=Veteran Line Infantry Company|Command+1|4|2|Company|MUSKET BAYONET|0
&VEHICLE_ELIC #87=Elite Line Infantry Company|Command+2|4|2|Company|MUSKET BAYONET|0
&VEHICLE_RLIP #87=Regular Line Platoon|Command|4|1|Company|MUSKET BAYONET|0
&VEHICLE_GLIP #87=Green Line Platoon|Command-1|4|1|Company|MUSKET BAYONET|0
&VEHICLE_VLIP #87=Veteran Line Platoon|Command+1|4|1|Company|MUSKET BAYONET|0
&VEHICLE_ELIP #87=Elite Line Platoon|Command+2|4|1|Company|MUSKET BAYONET|0
&VEHICLE_RLIS #87=Regular Line Squad|Command|4|1|0|MUSKET BAYONET|0
&VEHICLE_GLIS #87=Green Line Squad|Command-1|4|1|0|MUSKET BAYONET|0
&VEHICLE_VLIS #87=Veteran Line Squad|Command+1|4|1|0|MUSKET BAYONET|0
&VEHICLE_ELIS #87=Elite Line Squad|Command+2|4|1|0|MUSKET BAYONET|0
@Lotherio We'll see! Either way, it looks like a sharpe marathon coming up!
@Ominous Yeah, this is very much a lunch time fantasy at the moment. I just had another idea about using FS3 vehicles for napoleonic line battles somehow.
Lords of the expanse diplomacy: Fall of the Republic.
Set in the Clone Wars era, players will play out the Clone Wars as members of the Nobles of Tapani, a wealthy sector whose sons and daughters run most aspects of the Galactic Republic.
The Noble Houses:
House Barnaba
House Cadriaan
House Calipsa
House Mecetti
House Melantha
House Pelagia
House Reena
The Free Worlds
The war’s game board takes place inside the Tapani sector, as whoever controls Tapani will control the fate of the galaxy.
The players grid will be upon Procopia, the neutral world of the Tapani Sector set up as a place where Noble houses can meet. Procopia has a formidable fleet with no Hyperdrive capability, and can withstand any assault. They do not allow any other warcraft inside they system. Any armed ship larger than a Corvette will be attacked and destroyed upon entry to the system.
Each player will have one Noble bit to represent the house of their choosing. They can rp on Procopia to participate in the diplomatic fortunes of their house. If a player is absent, the next highest ranking player of that faction will be able to make the houses’s move for the game turn. If no player from that House is available for the turn, their house is considered in Disarray, and their forces will hold for that turn.
Players can CG expendable mooksclones for battles that they wish to play out. (On an FS3 based game)
If a House loses all of its territory, the players are then held as hostages to ensure the behavior of their subjects(IE they don’t die, they can play on Procopia as LOSERS).. They can pledge to another house if they wish, but will start at a the bottom rank within that house.
This seems like it could be pretty quick to set up, I'd just need to bang out a grid with private TS negotiation chambres and House enclaves.
Should mook PCs be able to influence the outcomes of battles? IE if the players mop the floor with the NPCs should fleet moves be cancelled?
How much assassination should take place on Procopia? Don't like a House superior? Gack them!
A while back I thought of running a game of Diplomacy through a mush. With each move taking a week or a month. People could RP out the battles.
Actually, this might be fun, I have a FS3 (which does large battles well) server up, and have also wanted to run a Lords of the Expanse Starwars game. Those might all work well mashed up into a messy messy thing.
I ran a savage worlds campaign a little while back, while waiting for Savage Rifts to drop. It started off using The Mist as the setting, and then, when the PCs got to the army base to shut down Project Arrowhead, they found evidence that it was using stolen research from Black Mesa.
I think a fun MU setting would be centred around the 13 minute war, either with characters trying to stop/sabotage the experiments, or dealing with the fallout of the war in some sort of City 17 analog.
The idea with rifts was that at some point, the characters were going to be able to get to Rifts Earth to fetch tech and adventurers to try and free their world.
If anyone likes to use minis for tabletop Fat Dragon has a humble bundle going. I've used some of their designs before and they're easy to make and look really good.