@Auspice @calindra
(that was for 'talk to the hand' since it doesn't have words on it.)
@Auspice @calindra
(that was for 'talk to the hand' since it doesn't have words on it.)
I definitely want the risk -- but I want the risk to have been taken because the risk was significant enough to risk character death and was taken anyway, not some random stupidness over a pickle. If it's an important risk, or it's story related, or any of that? Death is totally fine.
@ganymede said in Hello MSBites! Grade your administrators.:
@sunny said in Hello MSBites! Grade your administrators.:
@faraday said in Hello MSBites! Grade your administrators.:
Faraday calls Bob all kinds of names, against forum policy.
Mod says "Be nice"
Bob still has to look at the post sitting there calling him all kinds of names but isn't supposed to respond.This (and the rest of the post surrounding it) is my problem/concern. It is currently happening this way, and it is my opinion that the deletion of posts will make it worse, not better.
When this has happened, my response in chat with Auspice and Arkandel has been invariably between "nuke it from space" and "burn the heretic."
Supposing that an offending post can be identified, I would simply step in and delete that message and every obliquely-referencing message that follows. That seems to be the most neutral thing to do: acting without regard for right or wrong, and simply adhering to the rules as directly as possible. This is especially so on advertisement threads, where it is very easy to pick out where a conversation veers into offensive territory.
I think there are plenty of dissenters to that position, however.
If this is the proposed solution, I am 110% on board, EVEN for those cases when I am the one being a jerk. If the WHOLE mess gets deleted, if that's the intention behind it, this is fine by me.
As far as the rest of it goes -- what @surreality and @faraday are saying. I'm coming off terribly because I REALLY care about this, and I'm worried and concerned and a little afraid of what ultimately this is going to mean.
Saying that you get it and then turning around and proving you don't does not understanding indicate. You quite clearly don't get it, don't care, and are just continuing to insult everyone that doesn't agree with you with blatant lack of an attempt to understand. You're speaking out both sides of your mouth, here.
And cute, you little hypocrite. Insult everyone else every post, and then object to someone else calling you on it? Classy.
I do also think that a Pateron is a REALLY GOOD idea -- if nothing else, letting us help w/ hosting costs would be good. No reason y'all have to be paying for it AND dealing with the headaches of moderation, too.
This is the best thing ever. So amazing.
@ganymede I got super emotionally invested in most of them. I am sure this is a surprise.
The only reason I'm here is because I care about some of you people and the relationships I've built in my ridiculous number of years in the hobby. I read some of the threads out of lingering interest in the topics, but I am working towards getting rid of my emotional investment -- in this board and in the hobby as a whole. I'm tired of the way that I've been treated by both the mods and some key vocal posters. I'm not wanted here and I'm well aware of this fact (which should make it easier to just walk, but it doesn't). I don't have any suggestions for improvement or fixing things; I stopped believing that was possible a while ago, and even if I did have ideas, I have absolutely no expectation they'd be considered, given the source. So why bother even thinking about it?
My health is improving to the point where I could probably come back to the hobby without losing my tiny little mind again, but I never quite get past the point of thinking about it, because the people I used to want to play with ... well. From the position of having taken my first steps back, I can't figure out why I would want to subject myself to the way that people treat each other on games. I used to be better at not caring about the shit people were saying on discord and here and whatever, but I am old and I am tired and I no longer have the energy to do the things I would need to do to combat the whisper campaigns.
So instead, what time/effort does go towards the remnants of this hobby mostly go towards trying desperately to stop caring at all about it.
ETA: I've long had a habit of caring a lot more for people than they do for me. It's both blessing and curse. Until recent years, I was better about being OK with it. Age or circumstance has made it a lot harder for me to swallow. It is what it is; this tribe is no longer my tribe. Coming to terms with it is rough. For the 'haters' out there, never fear. I cannot imagine it'll be more than a month or two before I wander away much more consistently.
@Seamus said in Dealing with Staff:
Sure I can leave the game, but to me that means they win
With the attitude that you displayed there, plus the one you've used to respond, there is no fixing the situation. Seriously. The attitude you are showing here is going to shoot you in the foot and there is no advice I can give that is helpful. I am not saying this to be a dick, I am answering your question. What can you do? Change your attitude, to start.
@Thenomain said in WoW Classic:
A bunch of young kids at work are going crazy about this “Magic the Gathering” thing. What the hell is going on in the world? Are we grasping for nostalgia so hard even people who never lived through these things are pining for it?
I think it's called 'we are getting old'. This happened with Bell Bottom pants, too.
I don't disagree with you. Thus, I quit mushing and scaled my involvement here way back. I'm on my way out, but as I said, I care a great deal for the community and the people in it, and it is difficult to cut the last tie. The question was asked about moderation here, so I gave my emotionally vulnerable and very personal reply that spoke to said question.
That people I care about being mean to me hurts my feelings is pretty normal. The trick is to stop caring about other folks more than they care for me. If you know the answer as to how to do that, please do share.
It literally does not matter how the staff member is behaving, for answering his question. Nobody's jumping on him, it just so happens that the answer to the question he asked isn't the one he hoped for. Taking that as unreasonable criticism or people being aggressive is pretty ridiculous.
It isn't inherently mean to answer a 'how do I' with a 'you can't'.
@Arkandel said in General Video Game Thread:
Baldur's Gate 3 confirmed, suckers!
That noise the entirety of North America just heard that shattered windows and made small dogs howl? Yeah, that was me squealing with glee.
@arkandel said in Active Modern Day Games?:
@sunny said in Active Modern Day Games?:
Please Buffy? Please? This is me making big eyes.
I'd love Buffy too but I have so many questions about how it'd be done, MUSH-wise.
Buffy mushes were a thing for a very long time, it's really not all that hard or weird. I don't have any more/different questions re: a Buffy game than I would any other mush.
I like the plan in theory, my only concern is that it's going to end up unevenly applied. Consistency has been a problem so far, and it's going to make things yet more toxic if particular people get come down on and others are allowed to skate by with no consequence. This becomes more of a big deal when it's not move-the-thread and is instead delete-posts and ban users.
Current practice makes me concerned that someone can post something very inflammatory/inappropriate and be just fine, but responses to that initial thing get swatted, leaving the original nastiness to stand. If this comes in the form of actually deleting these posts, what we have is somebody saying something ugly and no rebuttals being present for it. That's a recipe for disaster.
It's cool, man. I'm actually ridiculously shy myself, though most folks would never know it. It's possible to sort of get over it and sort of compensate and just do it. The self-confidence will come with time.Cut yourself some slack!
Having played it, I understand why people who game for different reasons to me would hate it, but it's my favorite. ALSO, the personality thing (where your verbal voice acted lines change based on the personality choices you make in the dialogue long term) and the friend/rival system were REALLY really really well done and I wish we would see a return to that for the next one.
Uh. It's pretty well explained in game. Nothing was confusing or weird. It told you exactly what was going on.
eta: to be fair, I read codex entries? but yeah, there was zero confusion. "mages revolted, templars reacted, war broke out" is pretty easy to follow. Everything relevant to the narrative is visible from square 1.
Welcome back to the hobby. If you need a point of contact and some handholding, feel free to send me a PM. Only place I'm currently playing on is an original fantasy game, but I enjoy it!