The short version is: BS Orion was recruiting staff as part of a late-period effort to jump start the game (people had their frustrations with its staffers which I think are legit, but I'm not going to touch that, except that I think there's a pretty big difference between personality conflicts/disagreements with how someone is running something, and actual, legit malfeasance). Ares Player was a pretty active PrP runner for the Marines at the time and offered to take on a bit. And this is the part I want to stress: HE WAS WORKING ON HIS OWN GOMO-BSG GAME DURING THIS TIME AND CONTINUED TO WORK ON IT AFTER BECOMING STAFF. I don't know how much 'db theft' there actually was, but he definitely used his bit to peek at how the FS3 code there was customized and how the grid was set up and copy it (and a lot of wiki stuff was heavily borrowed from it in the beginning as well, but this is wikidot and he did not per se need a staff bit to steal that). From this came BS Pegasus (after that opened he stopped being staff at Orion, obviously). I had a pretty low opinion of Ares by this point and did not stick around Pegasus, so other people can talk about how he ran it into the ground.
There was a giant WORA thread on Game of Kings, another game I didn't play, and I'm pretty sad it's gone (the WORA thread, I am not sad this game is gone). But that's all drama I heard second-hand, never actually played there.
Jesus fucking Christ I didn't know the half of it. Fuck that guy. People like him are the biggest argument around for a good use boards like this serve. HE IS A FUCK DON'T PLAY ON HIS GAMES I MUST TELL THE PEEEEEEEEEEEEEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!111111ONEONEONEELEVEN.