@alexrocker Anyone who goes to Dark Sun should know the theme is brutal.
That doesn't mean people should be OOC dicks.
Which is reinforced by just the /manner/ in which things were addressed here, for example: fee fees.
That is insulting, it's reducing someone's feelings to the level of baby talk, which is nonsense. Which indicates that the person writing it? Doesn't actually care what others think or feel about the subject and shows a complete lack of respect.
I love Dark Sun, it is by far my favorite setting, but just because someone doesn't know something OOCly, something they would most definitely know ICly does not mean they should be abused etc.
It's not inclusive.
It promotes a culture of abuse and ostracism on an OOC level.
It keeps the game from growing as quick as it could. There are a number of awesome RP'ers who just literally do not have the time or inclination to deal with OOC abuse like that.