@Tempest said in High Fantasy:
My main concern with FATE as a system is that it usually feels like it boils down to "what did staff let you get away with?" for your stunts and stuff. Which is less of a thing in 'pure mechanics' type games. And while a potential problem in a 'traits-based' game, traits don't come with actual mechanics backing them up like the custom-made stunts/etc do.
I am by no means an expert on FATE though, and that was just my impression from briefly playing on one game that used it.
Every system has broken bits and pieces. Look at the current big source on these forums, CoD. So many broken merits.
If I do Fate I am making a list of what stunts will be available. It will likely be a large list, but I cannot guarantee I can think of everything. I am doing a custom magic system as well. In the end, like most games, Fate is only as broken as the game runner allows it to be.