@faraday Recently. I am very particular about my web apps because so much can be done with them and I must know what it is or isn't going to be accessing. PC documentation, recently, when I was learning a new piece of hardware. Even when just considering motherboard variations reading the documentation for what RAM can be used, what socket is necessary etc is absolutely vital.
Heck even someone not knowing that you have to put the ram into different colored slots for dual channel ram to work could potentially bust a computer.
All of these complaints about UX seem to me to be more complaints about uniformity. There's some desire that every game has exactly the same commands so that once learned they don't need to do any more learning at all.
That isn't going to happen.
As for some commands being monstrous? Sure, absolutely. Depending on the system being converted they're an absolute necessity. Other systems not so much. That depends entirely on the complexity of the system in place because (as was said before) certain games are a port of a table top ruleset which means to make it work sometimes coded commands are complex.
If anything that just says the system isn't a good fit, but if the game theme/type needs that system then that's what it's going to take.
A home made system has a lot more flexibility in that it can be /designed/ to work within the limits of the codebases we're using, which makes commands less monstrous, which makes it easier to use.
Those still require documentation on how to use them to begin with. You still need documentation on the system so that you know how the game /plays/.
There's no really getting around this.
To think otherwise is to assume someone can instantly pick up how to play a tabletop game without reading any of the rules, and be awesome at it. Most of the time that's not how it's going to work. It doesn't even work right in complete GUI games.
Take WoW for instance. For how long did Hunters think they needed INT gear because they had a mana pool? In old school EverQuest how many people refused to allow Rangers to tank for groups while leveling because they didn't wear plate but they had tools for doing so?
In the end much of this whole thread has been arguing two separate things. System. Design.
Many if not most of the 'issues' being attributed to UX are actually systemic in nature. There's no way to do a complete UX revamp without addressing that simple fact.
Many people play these games because they /like/ the system being used, as well as the theme.
As for the code, how many statements are there that people can't even tell they're not using a MUX/MUSH code base on say ARX or BSGU? That means to at least some extent the commands are familiar, and in that respect, just as 'bad' as many other games out there. So.. yay for UX updates?