I do think the attitude on all sides can be more easily linked to smaller (non big time corporate supported) games and loyal followers.
My husband is the sole developer (it's not his property, but he's the only developer that's working on it at this time, and it's been this way for jeez, like over 10 years now. It's a clunky PC historical strategy game. People just really don't play these types of games much anymore. But it has a devoted small following of a surprising age range of people. (Many MUSH similarities here). Nobody is making a lot of money off this game (hence why the current people who own the rights will only pay one developer and one artist to work on it, ect).
Most people are cool, understanding, excited about mods they themselves can make, enjoy it immensely despite the olden days format, ect. They give good feedback as various things are rebuilt, not to turn it into an MMO or anything, but to make it with more options, updated campaigns, some graphics updates, a lot of behind the scenes engine updates, ect.
But there are a special few screamers that are really horrible. Vomiting all over the forums, harassing people, always with a major entitlement complex about how things aren't moving fast enough, how they're not getting big corporate look/upgrades for this inexpensive and old school game, insulting my hubby by name because he's on the credits (and he does take the time to respond to people on the forum, because again, small community of pretty much fun/nice/quirky people from all over the world, ect) and treating him like garbage because the features that the team has decided to bring with the $$ they have available doesn't line up with what the screamer wants, ect.
We have SO FUCKING MUCH of that in MUSHing. I really don't think we need to encourage more. Enjoy what is, give your input once and constructively or at least respectfully, if it doesn't change in a way you can abide, move on.