@Auspice Good luck, and I'm sorry that Seattle didn't work out. I love the region, but the cost of living around here is kind of insane.

Posts made by Sparks
RE: Auspice Needs To Move!
RE: Auspice Needs To Move!
I had somehow missed this link! Thank you for calling it out, Meg.
RE: RL Anger
Pissed off that a friend just passed away from heart failure this afternoon.
Not really sure what I'm angry at. But I'm angry.
RE: skew's Playlist
@skew hey! You were Tourist1 to my Tourist2 on F&L.
RE: Forum Factions
@Meg said in Forum Factions:
Look! People! Sometimes categorizing people is hard.
I'm a bad judgey person.
Clearly, then, you should blame whoever decided you needed to be in charge of categorizing the entire forum.
RE: Forum Factions
@Auspice said in Forum Factions:
@Lethle said in Forum Factions:
;.; Forever overlooked.
- ex-lurker
It's okay, I only made it in the migraine group myself.
Let's make a "Likes To Pew-Pew In Spaceships" group too. Made up of the entire air wing of BSGU, plus any EVE Online players, Elite: Dangerous players, or Star Citizen players. Then you'll be in a second group.
RE: Forum Factions
@surreality said in Forum Factions:
We need a 'argue every general concept/game policy/house rule/poweridea/game pitch as if it's WoD by default' faction, but it needs a better name than that.
It would, I think, be quite large.
Woudn't it be easier to make a group of "Doesn't Think Every Game Idea is WoD"? It'd be smaller.
RE: Sparks' Playlist
@Jennkryst said in Sparks' Playlist:
@Sparks With GMC XP costs, it is much less intimidating that you might think, so all is well.
It's less the costs and more that this is about 7 game systems smashed into one, all of which are fond of Capitalized Terms.
@Bobotron said in Sparks' Playlist:
Changeling the Lost is fun. Don't let it intimidate you. Just... let your inner fairy tale run wild. What are you building, if you don't mind me asking?I was thinking of an info-thief/hacker sort who was a mirrorskin. Has no memory of who she used to be before she was taken, doesn't even know if the face she wears as a Mask is her own, and so her personal quest would be to find who she used to be, or at least settle into her own skin as to who she is now. And she'd also want to help others find their place and get to know themselves better.
RE: Forum Factions
@Bobotron Is that where 'is continually experimenting with new servers' belongs, too?
RE: Sparks' Playlist
I might be trying to make a little Changeling on Fear & Loathing, because of @Caryatid, @scar, @Meg, @saosmash, and 2 or 3 other of my friends all suddenly conglomerating there at once. And I miss my crew. (Damn you all.)
Even if I have not really played nWoD and find the chargen intimidating.
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
To add to Roz's advice: Don't be afraid to ask for help; it's an original theme, and almost everyone feels a little lost and confused at first when they're dropped in the deep end. Other players (and the staff) are usually willing to assist.
I mean, now I think I get the theme pretty well, to the point that I get asked for help by other players both ICly and OOCly. (Even if I have basically an Evernote of Crazy, which is the digital equivalent of a Wall of Crazy with string connecting all the maps and pictures and clippings.) But when I started, I spent the first month and change having to flail at Apostate in a panic every so often when people cornered Aislin to ask about thematic things, having to page him going, "Uhm. What the hell is an X, and have I ever heard of it ICly? Help!"
RE: Forum Factions
@Misadventure said in Forum Factions:
I think anyone who deals with the crown of iron nails driven into their brains gets to be a pretty princess automagically.
I do have a magic headache space tiara...
RE: Forum Factions
@Meg said in Forum Factions:
@Misadventure i am sorry, boo!! You are now added to pretty princesses!
Wait, being a pretty princess is an option?
RE: RL Anger
If it's topamax, it doesn't matter if it has corn syrup, sugar, or crack. It's not going to taste right. Everything will taste like Pepsi. It's disgusting.
(Low key soda fight bait. Fight me.)
I did find that AW root beer tasted sorta OK. Like no great, but... sorta halfway if I was desperate.
I've gone for MiO (the water additive stuff) if I want something that isn't coffee, tea, or water.
Do you also get the intense face-tingly paraesthesia on topiramate? Or the 'I have absolutely no hunger drive and most food makes me ill but if I don't eat I also get migraines'? Because those are worse than not having soda.
YES on the latter.
I also felt like half of my brain was missing, and the other half was experiencing network latency.
RE: RL Anger
I drink soda with real sugar. I know its bad for me stil, but maybe not as bad! I am trying to cut back. But soda seems to help my headache and that is part of the problem. Maybe I should go get an ice coffee.
I should clarify that where it seems unfair is when I go to the movies.
They do not sell real-sugar sodas at most theaters, and who doesn't want a soda with their movie? Even just a kid's size small one? If I take my migraine meds, though, they don't always taste right, and if I don't take my migraine meds, I'm not going to the movie theater anyway because my head will be splitting.
RE: RL Anger
My migraine meds have made it so all soda tastes flat and like it's gone bad.
Enjoy that bad-for-you cola for me plz.
Any soda that has corn syrup in it tastes godawful on certain migraine meds. I do not know why. It is manifestly unfair.
RE: Forum Factions
"Has a Migraine at least 70% of the Time"
(Which would be like... me, Tez, Auspice, and maybe Meg. Complimentary chainsaws for removing the offending head will be provided.)
Edit: Oh, wait, it should have a GIF, shouldn't it.
RE: RL Anger
@Thenomain said in RL Anger:
@Thenomain said in RL Anger:
Hell, just copying the previous out of my text file was as easy as throwing the cursor somewhere in the middle, hitting cmd-b a few times, then shift-option-leftarrow.
Get me that in SublimeText or Atom and I'm there like a dudebro on vape.
Sublime is extensible via Python. Anything I need in Sublime, I can write a Python script for. That fact is slowly winning me over, since I can create any missing feature I need.
How much do you want to add the functionality I'm asking for?
Since we're in philosophy mode: "Write a script in Python, implement one feature request for a man. Make a man learn to write Python his own damn self, all his feature requests are attainable forever."