But I swear to god, people who are just picky eaters who want free food catered to their preferences drive me up a wall. Esp. the 'I only eat like a five year old' types.
I'm sorry. Grow up. Learn to try new foods. I was never more offended than the time my roommate wanted to introduce us to his girlfriend, we invited her to dinner, I cooked a big meal, she showed up... and snubbed the whole thing and refused to even try any because 'I only eat pizza, nuggets, and burgers.'
I have to put a hunk of the blame for that diet on the parents, I would not have gotten away with that even at five. Dinner was made if i didn't try something the option was not eat. My parents would never have forced me to eat something and if I tried something and didn't like it that was one thing but if I just straight up refused to try something I would have not eaten that night.
I am afraid if I invited an adult to dinner and they did something like that i would just shrug and eat and not for a second feel bad about it.