I don't mean to single out vamp players that is just the specific instance I had in my head.
I would use a population code like I would a weather one. To help set the scene and come up for ideas if I need them.
Now if i had a particular scene idea for rp at the time, I would ignore weather or pop to have the scene that was needed at the time though in that case like when I ignore +time to have a scene different from IC time I go to private rooms.
I do like the idea of public grid play having the coded weather/population stuff.
Posts made by ThatGuyThere
RE: [Poll in OP] Population Code
RE: [Poll in OP] Population Code
I can think of one reason on why to bother. That was it is up and posted for when new people join the scene.
I have had to deal with vamp players getting pissy when a scene had be set with it being daylight and +time saying daylight. So I was glad i could point ot +time and be like dude it is a public hangout +time says daylight deal.
Now granted had said player entered and oocly asked for a change it would have been accommodated.
Sadly there is no shortage of folks who lack basic respect of scenes in progress so I would welcome another tool to show what the scene it. That it also helps set scenes for the scene for others that want to join as well is also a plus. -
RE: Finding roleplay
+jobs are like getting a prostate exam, no one ever wants to deal with them but they is necessary.
RE: XP systems
@Seraphim73 said in XP systems:
I like a Justified Increase system, but it involves a good amount of Staff monitoring. You have to check logs and be the nexus of all improvement (and let's face it, players like to see their numbers go up, because, to quote Calvin, if your numbers go up, you're having more fun).
I used to be in favor of justification for this reason, until I was on a game where I was complimented on my justifications.
The staffer paged me thanking me for putting thought and effort into my justifications, that was awesome, then they went on to say a lot of players wrote justification they felt guilty about approving. I didn't say anything at the time but that convo is what changed my mind on justifications. If both good and bad ones are going to accepted why bother having it as a hoop.
And I don't think the staffer in the conversation was unusual most will say yes and shrug then say no and risk drama over something minor. -
RE: XP systems
There is not one XP system that should be used all over. To me who to structure advancement or weather or not to have advancement at all is part of the design phase discussion those building the game should have, because it all comes down to what kind of game do you want to run.
I mean i have my personal preferences, slower gain then most places but also a heavy aversion to justifications, but honestly barring a few extreme examples the XP format of a game has very little to do with weather I play somewhere. Now it can color my attitude towards a place. I played on HM for years and I think i only ever put in like three spends, mainly because of the justification requirement, not that I couldn't write them I just didn't bother. As a result I never really became fully invested in the game as others did. I would play for a bit drift away then return with that cycle repeating.
Though as I think about it I am far more concerned with policies on spending XP on games then I am with those pertaining to earning it. Giving out tons and heavily restricting the use to me is worse then giving none. -
RE: Finding roleplay
@Lithium said in Finding roleplay:
One of the things I have considered is just dropping plots on IC gatherings. Like, if I (or other staff) see a group RP'ing in public then boom, I drop a 1 shot on them and depending on what happens it could lead to more plot.
This practice would make me avoid public scenes not encourage me to attend them.
Not because I have anything against plots, I think they are great but sometimes you are just wanting a social scene either due to RL or distractions and the spectre (Yes I am spelling it the Brit way despite what spell check wants me to do) of having random crap dropped on me for being on grid would just encourage use of a private room rather then make me more likely to go out and rp.
Now in general more plot is good, but if you do decide to drop it randomly on groups of people at least give warning so those not feeling it can pose out. -
RE: Finding roleplay
@Arkandel said in Finding roleplay:
To take this thread in a slightly different direction... do you think incentivizing public scenes helps in practice?
that depends on how you go about incentivizing it. Remember you will get the behavior you reward not necessarily the ones you want. +votes means you will get a lot of big scenes with folks showing up for the xp bounty more then the rp. The per pose or time in a room with someone ways will also be gamed in a similar matter as shown my HM. I don't think these systems are bad per se, and they will increase the rp going on but be sure that is the rp you want to foster before implementing them.
I would tend to avoid a plus vote system because for me personal I have had more scenes killed for me by folks zerg rushing a hangout with a few people in it to get votes then I think it produces but I also prefer smaller scenes. -
RE: Do you RP to play a character, or get a character so you can RP?
For me it is to play the character. In my table top group I am the guy running the game most of the time so MUSHing is where I go to get the fun of playing. Now i will rp NPCs and run scenes for people as well but that to me is being a good part of the game community; but the reason I am part of that community in the first place is to play my character.
RE: PVP games/elements?
I think that rule is a good one, though expect a lot of push back from it. It was essentially the rule at RfK and it made finding staff difficult from what I heard. -
RE: PVP games/elements?
Both of your examples are observable by players not provable. If staffer Alt seems to always have a ten pool for things needed where every one else has 6 or 7 then yes something is hinky weather added xp or just fudging stats directly. Even on CoH with xp totals in the thousands I still see folks rolling things with 6 dice now and then yes even staff people. Or if Staffer continuously knows more then they should about things weather I can see that they accessed a job or not I will make that logical inference.But yes defining terms would help. For me trust equals I will believe that person is innocent until a pretty heavy burden of proof is shown. Not just things could that could be taken the wrong way but pretty solid evidence. To misuse a legal term they would have a presumption of innocence with me.
Distrust is when I actively believe someone is shady as hell and likely looking for a way to unfairly benefit.
Then there is the vast middle ground of people where I would look at things concerning them with neither a positive or negative spin and make a judgement based on the information available. -
RE: PVP games/elements?
One big difference between any video game and a mush though. Get killed in a a video game and you might lose some gear or xp but you are back in things quickly.
In a MUSH you are looking at not being able ot play for four days minimum unless you have an alt already made. -
RE: Kinds of Mu*s Wanted
That sounds like the most awesome movie or game plot ever. -
RE: PVP games/elements?
I think I can count on one hand the number of games i have trusted staff, RfK is one of them.
Now I would not play on a game were I distrusted staff, but my default setting for staff or any other person is pretty much wary observation when it some to trust. -
RE: PVP games/elements?
The trick to pulling it off would be maintaining faith in staff impartiality.
RfK managed this with polices about the roles staff alts could play, but those very same policies were then a large contributor to the end of the game.
PK Muds do this with the role of code as the final arbiter, though at times you will still here sqawking about the level of fairness from people playing those games.
I don't mean to discourage but coming up with a long term way of maintaining that trust would be the largest and most important issue for a perspective PvP heavy MU* to tackle. -
RE: Something similar to WoD, but not quite
There was a non WoD urban fantasy game set in NYC, not sure if it is still around I saw the wiki a couple of years ago read through it thought it looked neat but alas it was system-less and there for not my bag. I will see if I can find the web page again.
Edit: Google is my friend http://www.nycmush.net/ Webpage does not look like it has been updated in a while , no other clue about the game.
RE: Something similar to WoD, but not quite
It is a system made by White Wolf that should answer the question.
Like all White Wolf games I tend to find myself loving it in spite of the system not because of it. -
RE: Downvotes
It should also be noted for the most part people are a lot more likely here to upvote rather then downvote, which is likely a positive change from the old WORA.
As far as it being a signal of reputation I think it is more a signal of posting a lot and occasionally saying something intelligent or funny more so then any sort of community standing.
A rep per post measure would be more indicative of actual standing but that just sounds like adding a layer of calculation to the already mostly pointless thing. -
RE: Downvotes
If you have zero or negative rep I think the mods said there was a 2 minute coll down between posts where positive rep folks only have a thirty second wait.
Weather that counts as mattering or not likely depends on how fast you type, and how urgent you think posting is I guess. -
RE: Finding roleplay
@Lotherio said in Finding roleplay:
Devil's advocate, and cause the edit was down after I totally agreed with an upvote of the original content ...
Sorry about that I don't normally edit if folks have already plused or minused a post but I didn't notice it had been +1 ed until after I hit enter on the edit.